Kyuuketsuki Duo: The, Uh, Not So Wonder Years Part 1
Demons -- Part 6
It was the term often, and often erroneously, used by humans to describe the demon planes.
But that was where he was.
Surrounded by a bunch of mindless, slavering demonlings, looking at him with glowing black eyes, ready to feast on his flesh, almost brawling with each other to be first in line to get to the fresh meat. They reminded him of the amorphous mass of Shinma darklings he had met the night he had awakened. The ones that had slithered over him and through him and had bound him still as he had been impaled upon a spear of icy darkness. The ones that had bound Heero helpless to the ground as his terrible punishment had been meted out. Only these were hungrier.
Double shit.
Oh, and look. There was that demon he had met back at the old man's house, the one with the sharp, pointy everything, following after him through the portal, smirking like a madman, and shutting down the only quick escape route he could see.
He was so frozen by the whole tableau that he couldn't even think of another expletive, or another variation on the first.
It wasn't that he was frozen in shock. Or frozen in panic. Or frozen in fear. No, this went beyond that, to that realm where the mind has just received some unexpected news, and the information hasn't really sunken in yet, and it hasn't really occurred to it yet that it should be doing something about that information, so busy it was just being bemused by the whole situation, by that one single moment in time where everything just seemed suspended in frozen animation alongside it in a single, surreal shot, like that moment between when you down the hard liquor and when you actually feel it burning its way down your throat and bringing the tears to your eyes. (1)
And then time resumed its natural flow, only it was much too fast, for he was being confronted by an angry, toothy demon and he had had no time to prepare.
"Nice place you have here," he complimented, the first thing that came to mind. "Decorate it yourself?" The decor to which Duo referred was a remarkably bland landscape, the way you'd imagine hell to be if you ever stopped to think about it. The cracked, barren earth and jagged ridges, the obsidian pools that shimmered in the heat, and the reddish sky, it all displayed a marvelous absence of imagination. And, Duo thought as he observed the landscape come to an abrupt end seemingly a half a mile off, where the demon's territory presumably ended, it all lacked power, for if the demon had had power, then it would have had the power to create the illusion of infinity in all directions, as the other, higher order demons usually did.
The boring domain, combined with the stereotypical appearance of the demon before him, caused Duo to recall this demon from a lesson long ago. It was of a rather generic subtype, one lacking great imagination, stunning intelligence, and real status. There were a great many of them, though, and they made great henchdemons for the higher-ups. None of its kind had ever risen above fifth circle, and none ever seemed likely to, although this one apparently had other ideas.
The demon seemed to lack a sense of humor as well. It backhanded the guardian sharply across the face, throwing him to the ground. He caught himself with his hands before he got a face full of dirt, his chestnut bangs hiding the irritation glittering dangerously in his cold eyes before the look was erased, almost instantaneously, and replaced by a suitably innocent, sullen glare of resentment at his captor.
One of the demon's minions came up to nibble on one of his black boots before he kicked it away, glad that he had made the dark pants and tough footwear a part of his uniform. Unfortunately, it showed when they got dusty. That was annoying.
The demon did not lose its snarl. "You'll soon learn your place, human. You will learn the meaning of pain, and then you will not be laughing, you will be begging me to kill you." The surrounding demonlings bobbed their heads in eager agreement.
Duo lifted an eyebrow in an elegant statement of doubt as he absently wished, in some distant part of his mind that was divorced from the situation at hand, that he had a band of merry yes-men, too. Although his groupies wouldn't be so ugly. The drool was certainly a turnoff.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I ruin all of your terribly evil and devious plans?" His mouth would no doubt get him into trouble, but he just couldn't make it stop. Everything just seemed so disjointed, as if his mind had just settled back to enjoy the show, amused by its own antics. It directed his body to stand and fussily try to brush as much of the dust off of his pants as possible, mostly ignoring the imposing creature before him.
The demon howled, and the minor demonlings cowered in response. They slowly came back to a quivering, sniveling silence as their leader ceased his bellowing and regained a thin veneer of control. No, if Duo had groupies, they wouldn't be cowardly groupies like these. Those were the type that tended to run at the first sign of trouble. He'd get foolishly fanatical groupies that would take hits for him.
"No, human, you did not ruin all of my plans. But you will die anyway, slowly, and painfully," it hissed. Duo's expression twitched into one of bemused disbelief. Didn't the guy have anything but stock phrases? But hey, what could you expect from a generic henchdemon? Certainly not originality. It was all playing out like a badly written story for a play that had gotten two thumbs down. He supposed that at this point, he was to cower in fear, or else proclaim manfully that he was not afraid of anything the demon might dish out, that he would willingly sacrifice his life to the demon for the greater good. As his eyes amused themselves by looking for seams in the demon costumes, his mouth decided to do a little improvisational work with the script.
"Great. When do we start?"
The demon snarled again, giving the guardian just enough warning to turn his head with the blow and avoid getting his nose clawed off. As it was, there was now a nice set of shallow claw marks on one cheek, the other already blossoming with a lovely bruise from the earlier blow. Some part of his mind hoped it wouldn't ruin his charming good looks, while another wondered what the demon would do to the critics, if he was so unreceptive to others' words.
"Don't worry. We'll start soon enough. But first --"
No, it wasn't actually going to --
"-- I want to tell you exactly why you're going to die. You will know exactly why my plans have not been entirely ruined. And you will know exactly how useless all of your efforts have been. And then you will die, knowing that it was all in vain."
It was. Yup, definitely no originality. Or intelligence. Duo's eyes widened in what the demon mistook for cowardly fear, and it was pleased. It continued.
"That stone which you went through so much trouble to destroy was a collecting device for my human pawn. I was using it to drain and absorb Shinma energy into myself, rather than wasting time fighting with other demons to gain rank, and I had already absorbed a good deal before you ever showed up. With the amount of free power I have already gained to augment my own, I can now easily rise through the ranks of the demons and become a force to be reckoned with. So you see, you have stopped nothing."
The demon came to stand directly before Duo. Its eyes narrowed, and it picked him up by the front of his shadow-spun shirt until his toes just barely brushed the dry dust of the earth.
"There is Shinma energy in you, boy," it smirked. "Even if you are too craven to use it. I think that, before I kill you, perhaps I will drink your power first. I think it will make up for the rest of the Shinma whose power I will never collect. And then I shall give you over to my minions to play with." It surveyed its own work on the boy's face, observing the wide eyes, porcelain skin, generous mouth, and smirked again. "You have that look about you that says you have a beautiful capacity for pain. It should be interesting."
No matter what may happen, the show must go on. And go on it seemed to do, with Duo caught in the middle, a member of the audience, almost, with nothing that he could say or do changing the predetermined course of scenes and acts. A confident, arrogant twist of his lips that could just almost be labeled as a sneer rose to grace Duo's face.
Oh gods, what he wouldn't have given for a reality check right then, to be able to reach out to that presence that had always hovered on the edge of his consciousness, the one that he was certain of, the one he had always relied on, just to see if what he was seeing was really there. But no, he had denied himself that, shut himself off from that reassuring presence and pushed him far, far away, and now there was nothing and no one to hold on to, to tell him if this was real, to wake him from this dream within a dream within a dream, to stop him from free-falling up into the pretty, endless sky, sparkling with a multitude of winking stars that shifted about like fireflies, to congeal into one gigantic, flashing neon sign...
...and suddenly, the whole world came into focus.
He laughed. It wasn't his usual low chuckle that made you want to share in his warm, overflowing mirth. It was a cold, ugly laugh, the kind that said, get out of my way, you aren't even worth my time.
(1) or that one singular moment between when the enemy goes "gundam!" and when they get blown away.... see, it's all clear now. never identify your enemy, because the moment you do, you're a goner.
so i'm sitting here trying to uncomickify it by explaining that the demon isn't very intelligent, but since duo's kinda tripping, he still finds the entire situation hilarious, and since it's his pov, he sets the tone. i feel like this should be an outtake, but nope, it's the real thing. sorry. i don't really feel like i've trivialized the gravity of the situation by representing the moment in a humorous fashion. this is duo, we're talking here, after all. he'll get deadly serious in a moment.
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