Kyuuketsuki Duo: The Wonder Years Part 3
Shinma Urami -- Part 1
Duo glided smoothly through the city's marketplace, weaving his way in and out of the crowd without effort, ears open for the lively chatter of the evening rush. He was a shadow unnoticed by the thronging townsfolk, a silent observer drifting amidst the bustle, yet all of the passersby still made way for him without being aware of him, or their own actions.
"I'd like half a dozen eggs, please."
"Maria's party is going to be the biggest thing of the year! Have you heard if..."
"If I have to hear another word about Harry's latest little conquest..."
"Are you insane? Don't you think that's a little steep for a loaf of bread?"
"The northwest quarter? Oh, I wouldn't go there if I were you. Haven't you heard about all the deaths there lately?"
Duo's attention was snagged by the two middle-aged women, clasping their groceries close as they gossiped, and he unobtrusively trailed them as they headed down one of the avenues leading away from the market.
"Oh my, was that the northwest quarter?" At the other woman's nod, she continued. "I'd heard -- how many are they up to now?"
"Five. All of them, bloody and torn. They think it might be some sort of wild animal or rabid pet or something."
The first woman shifted her bags nervously. "Oh dear. I'd best go around there, then. It must be serious, if it's enough to stir up even the northwest quarter. But I hope they catch that creature soon."
"You're going out there to meet your son, right? How's married life treating him?" The talk turned to more mundane matters, and Duo slipped away into a little side alley, his reconnaissance over. Automatically, he took to the darkness, leaning casually against the wall of an overshadowing tailor's shop.
::What do you think?:: He sent the thought to Heero, knowing that he would have been observing everything through Duo's eyes. He was always by his side mentally, if not physically. In fact, Heero rarely accompanied Duo into the mass of humanity, preferring instead to wait outside the town, or in the shadows of that location between the human realm and the Dark which they used to travel between places. Heero could be wherever Duo was with little effort of thought, and so supported him in ways more comfortable to him, always watching Duo's back.
::That must be it.::
Duo agreed, and knew without looking that the sun was already near to finishing its descent below the horizon. ::I'm heading over there.:: Heero acknowledged, and Duo pushed himself away from the wall and once more joined the flow of traffic, unheeded by the other travelers.
He arrived at the northwest quarter without incident. The transition had been gradual, from the more wealthy and populated areas near the market to this, the seedier, poorer quarter. If it was a Shinma's need to kill, this was certainly the best part of town in which to hide -- a few deaths here would be unquestioned by the authorities. It happened in places like these, and the authorities were possibly even paid to look the other way. Likely, the Shinma would have hidden itself in an abandoned building, where there was adequate cover and shelter from the sun's revealing rays. Any occupants of the building or the surrounding area would either have been scared off or disposed of, one way or another.
There were a large number of possible hiding places in an area like this one, and so Duo turned to his othersenses to help him narrow the search. He would have begun his search like this earlier, without having to eavesdrop in the town's square to find clues, but the press of humanity must have been great enough to mask the presence of any Shinma activity, for he had sensed none. Now that he had narrowed his search field, Duo, once more taking brief cover in the concealing shadows, again opened himself up to his othersenses and took a taste of the air around him. Again, no luck. He was certain that there was a Shinma lurking in the area somewhere, however, and he plunged his senses deeper into the life of the quarter, determined to find it.
Beggars, professional and otherwise, finding their shelters for the night.
Painted ladies of the night coming out to begin their daily rounds.
Nimble thieves scurrying along the rooftops to earn their living.
Still nothing.
Yowling cats fighting over scraps thrown out from the tavern.
A violent mugging in a dark alley of a man who thought to take a shortcut. Unwillingly drawn to the conflict, the violence and the blood, he felt their frustration as his own, although his was for his fruitless searching, theirs for the innocent who would not cooperate, who had only a few coppers in his pocket, who cried out to his uncaring god, who would not cease his thin wails for a mercy never granted to those taking out all their frustrations on him --
::Pay attention, little one.::
Duo snapped out his trance, Heero's crisp mindvoice cutting through the vision with his usual cool, calm tone, steadying Duo's thoughts with his own collected stability.
::Sorry,:: Duo replied. ::I'll never get used to that. Guess that comes with being born embodied.:: He quickly put the matter behind him and collected his wayward thoughts.
::That is no excuse,:: Heero retorted, a cutting edge to his voice not usually heard. It gave Duo pause. Heero had been unexpectedly irritable of late, more terse and sharp than was wont, when he spoke at all, ever since they had embarked on their journey to find this latest stray. Duo wanted to give the matter more thought, but night was falling, and he wanted to finish this mission up so that he could devote his full attention to unraveling Heero's recent behavior. He could tell the irascibility wasn't directed specifically at him, other than that he happened to be the only person Heero could direct it at, since he was the only one he interacted with, but on the whole, he didn't think it would affect the execution of his duty, and therefore put the matter on the back burner in his mind and returned to the contemplation of the stray that refused to reveal itself.
Reluctant to surf the othercurrents again, he instead tried a technique he was more comfortable with -- passive reception. He closed his eyes and again opened the windows in his mind, but this time did not fling himself into the winds. Rather, he fancied it more as letting the breeze come to him. He felt the flow of humanity rush through him, this time as a whole rather than as individuals, making it easier for him to retain his mental balance. The quarter was filled with a general sense of desperation and bitterness. There was the determined will to survive and the depressed apathy of the forgotten. Unreasonable envy of those who were not of the quarter, and the undying dreams of those who wished to escape the poor quarter. The mass of minds and emotions sorted themselves out in Duo's head, and therein he found a pattern. There was some movement in the population of the area, of those who conducted their business at night, while there were others who were just now settling into their niches, work done for the day. But as Duo studied it, he saw that there was one small area that they all avoided, an area where no humanity teemed, where hatred and resentment lay festering like a gangrenous wound, buried deeply amongst the layers of all the other negative emotions infecting the northwest quarter.
He resisted the urge to celebrate his find, and instead concentrated harder on passively determining the nature of the lair of his target. He could sense now the lingering essence of death, of flesh rent with pain and life spilled violently by unnatural means, a sure sign that this was indeed the temporary home of the stray, but the signs filled him with unease. He detected the deaths, and yet no sign of Shinma feeding. It was fairly unheard of for a Shinma to kill for pleasure, for often, in such a case, the pleasure of the kill was what the Shinma fed upon.
Duo flashed back to the few earlier clues that he had discovered, trying to make sense of it all.
He crouched in the ruins of an old country estate, the shell of the house still smoldering in the remote rural area, and surveyed the destruction. There had been definite signs of a Shinma presence here yesterday, when they had been alerted by an explosion of fury in the otherplanes, but this was all that they had found upon their arrival.
"What do you suppose this place was?" Duo questioned his companion as he stood, indicating the widespread smattering of glass, wires and metal among the more typical wooden beams and iron nails of the inordinately large "room" he was currently standing in. It appeared to be ground zero of the blast that had taken out the house.
Heero stared over the debris, but maintained his distant silence, offering no guesses to his companion.
Duo could sense without trying the remnants of the fury that must have caused the eruption of such explosive force. The area appeared to have been the focus of such anger and resentment for quite some time, for it felt as though the former walls of the building itself had been permeated with it. The rubble spoke of suffering and pain, bitterness and hate. He filtered the angry noise out and focused solely upon finding a Shinma individual. The signature was weak, but still relatively fresh. The odd contradiction puzzled him as he followed it with his thoughts in the direction of the nearby city, though it wove an erratic path.
As he turned to depart for the chase, his companion finally spoke.
::It was a lab.::
Heero had offered no more information on the subject, despite Duo's request for an explanation of his conclusion, and so he had dropped the matter and moved on to trying to catch the stray. Now that the time was at hand, he again considered Heero's cryptic conclusion.
::Anything useful to say?:: Duo inquired, as he approached the abandoned building. Total silence was his response. Duo pursed his lips, trying to decide if the silence was any more recalcitrant than normal, but then he was where he was going, and there was no more time for speculation.
He studied the building before him. There was little to set it apart from the rest of the buildings in the area. It was dilapidated, anon-descript sort of dirty gray-brown that once could have been off-white. The windows were barred with wooden planks, ensuring a dark interior, but the door swung unsteadily on its rusty hinges, creaking ominously in the slight early evening breeze. The only thing that was different about this run-down set of walls was the way the negative aura made his skin crawl in a fashion that let him know that even the non-sensitive would know to give the place a wide berth.
As Duo squeezed through the narrow gap in the door, he gathered the shadows around him and, as Heero had taught him, gave them substance as what he referred to as his "work clothes", careful not to let the trailing edges get caught on the frame out of pure habit rather than any regard for his ethereal wardrobe. He worked his way into the inner room, not the least bit comforted by the concealing shadows while he was in enemy territory, and there felt a gathering chill that heralded the arrival of the stray. Duo was assailed by a bitterness not his own, a resentful malice being shoved at him in an oppressive haze that implied that it would not at all be displeased if he were to choke on it. Instead, Duo took a mental step back, refusing to allow himself to internalize it, and turned to Heero's presence in his mind, whose constancy he had deemed his ground zero for reality checks, the standard against which he measured all else.
He found Heero's presence more than lurking on the edge of his consciousness this time, tensely coiled, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. Reassured and confident, Duo prepared himself for a confrontation, easing the power from the fetters he imposed upon it and letting it bathe him in its icy currents as it neatly set aside all thoughts of humanity for the moment and replaced them with a chill, Shinma-inspired dispassion.
The stray materialized around him, and he regarded it with eyes turned amethyst edged with diamond. It was little more than an insubstantial wraith, black and twisted, yet it emitted a raw, painful energy that was strong, yes, but somehow very un-Shinma in tone, as if it were just bleeding out of the stray unnoticed.
::What do you do here, human?:: it hissed at him, its tone clearly indicating that he was obviously unwelcome here.
"I come to do my duty as guardian," Duo replied placidly, choosing not to contend the label that seemed an insult coming from the stray.
::Guardian!?:: the creature roared, and it lashed out physically at him with a shadowy tendril which Duo neatly sidestepped. ::Just what is it that you guard, guardian?!:: Acid dripped from its words as it continued an assault made clumsy by its unfocused rage. ::Do you guard these filthy humans as if you were one of them? Or do you pretend to be one of us, and pretend to guard our interests?:: An angry thrust straight where Duo's heart had been a moment ago told him exactly what it thought of both of those options.
"I guard neither," he began to answer, but was cut off in his explanation by having to duck beneath a wild swing at his head. The stray's behavior was irrational. It was not a solid enough manifestation to do him major harm should it make contact with him, but it insisted on making these physical attacks, whose pattern was erratic but easily predicted and avoided. It had not yet even given him a taste of its Shinma power.
::You must! There are only two sides in this. Whose side are you on, guardian?:: it sneered. ::Choose!::
A few moments more, and he understood. Whatever the reason, the stray used no Shinma energy because there was none to use. The signature had already been weak when it had left its point of origin, the lab, or whatever it was. It had not fed off its kills. In fact, itseemed to be fueled only by its rage and fury. The deaths in the area were consistent with the conclusion, if the Shinma was so far gone in its odd emotional instability that it had killed out of spite rather than hunger. If the stray's condition were sufficiently deteriorated to the point of being unable to perform as a Shinma, then it would have been unable to feed. The logical conclusion was that something, probably at the country estate, had infuriated it to the point where it was no longer focused enough to be much more than a seething cloud of hate. A wordless request for Heero's backup was sent. The stray was weak enough, in terms of true power, but the diffuse intensity lent it a strength that would make assistance appreciated.
"What grudge do you bear against humans?" he asked, oddly curious to see what would drive a Shinma to such ends as he effortlessly avoided a smashing downward blow meant to cave in his head, but instead put only a medium-sized dent in the aging floorboards.
::You dare ask?! They did this to me!::
"They? Did what?"
Heero made his appearance to the creature's left in a swirl of shadows.
Another slice aimed for his head. At the same time, it extended its other nebulous appendages in Heero's direction as it shrieked venomously, ::Ask him. He knows!::
Duo dodged just a breath too late, a moment lost in surprise as he wondered just what Heero had to do with anything, and the tip of the limb scored a shallow, harmless cut along his cheekbone.
He quickly joined his efforts to Heero's as they circled swiftly in well-accustomed synchronization about the stray, erecting barriers to bind it. The stray struggled, battered itself uselessly against the solid wards as Heero held it all together, his hand upraised as if in benediction, and Duo opened the portal.
"Shinma Urami. I return you to the Dark."
A final wail as the stray was pulled into the whirling vortex formed above its head, and it was gone, the gateway and wards dissipating until there was no visible sign that they had ever been there. All was silent as the otherwinds settled and their shadow-spawned robes fell once again in their natural folds.
"No." He disturbed the silence with his quiet declaration, stated almost to himself, and Heero glided soundlessly to his side, attentive to his charge. "There are more than two sides to this." Duo turned to his companion with a small shake of his head.
"Na, Heero." He began the exchange that had become a soothing tradition after these missions.
::Yes, little one?::
"You're real, right? There's a face under that mask, and a body beneath those robes, right?"
::Of course, little one,:: came the formulaic reply, and duly reassured, Duo leaned carefully against his guardian and reoriented himself, taking comfort from the solidity beneath his cheek and the continuity provided by the little ritual, making the effort to put the power back where it belonged, and bring himself out of the shadows in his own mind. Heero surrounded his charge with his voluminous sleeves and willed them through the shadows to the place they called home: a little niche in the place between places where no one else could go.
Duo felt the shift complete, and he looked up to his guardian's face with eyes again returned to their usual warm violet.
"So tell me, Heero. What did it mean, you know?"
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