Moments of Haven Part 79
X'mas AC198 - Part VIII

"What do you think is better for me, coffee or soda?"

Heero had never considered it wise to limit himself to only a few options when he didn't have to. "Tea."

Quatre's nose wrinkled as he handed Heero the milk. "Oh, I drink plenty of tea already. But sometimes you need something with just a little more kick."

"You're having hot cocoa right now, though, right?" Heero asked in confirmation before pouring the milk into the saucepan already on the stovetop. Once he received Quatre's nod, he went ahead and poured enough for two. "...I think you've been working too hard, Quatre."

"What?" The water from the sink shut off with a thump of pipes as Quatre pushed the lever home. "I was just asking, Heero."

According to Duo, it wasn't the first time he had 'just asked' something. "I suppose it's better than stim pills."

"If I worked too hard, I wouldn't be here on vacation," Quatre continued explaining, setting the water to boil on the other side of the range before going back to the other side of the island and perching on what had become his favorite stool. "This is like my present to myself."

"Vacation shouldn't have to be a present."

Quatre let out a wry sound. "Uh, yeah, I'm not going to take advice about not working too hard when it comes from you, Heero."

His lips cracked in a small smile. "Hn. Point taken." But times had changed. Or else he wouldn't be standing in front of a cook top in a vacation home making hot cocoa for his whatever-Duo-was and his friend.

"So what did you give Duo for Christmas?"

"I beg your pardon?" Knowing that watched milk never simmered, Heero had taken up the canister of cocoa and was reading the facts off the back.

"Or whatever holiday you choose to celebrate," Quatre expanded, waving his hand in the air vaguely. "I've been fond of 'End-of-War Day', myself."

"I've noticed. It's a good day."

"Yeah. Little cumbersome, though. Ee-ow Day?"

He snorted. "That makes it International I've-Just-Stubbed-My-Toe Day."

"Hm." Life with Duo had improved Yuy's humor, it seemed. "See, that's why, regardless of the Christmasness, calling it Christmas is just convenient. So did you get him anything?"

"It's a good day. Not a gift day." He would give presents if and when he pleased. He would most certainly not be bound by tradition or commercialism, or even a curious friend.

Quatre smirked. "Or did you just get him something you can't talk about?"

He didn't know if telling the others about his and Duo's relationship was a good thing or a bad thing, but it at least made life more interesting. "As you've observed, Quatre, the war has ended. There aren't many more of the 'if I tell you, I'll have to kill you' situations."

"You're being uncooperative, Heero."

He was just getting the obvious out of the way. Now that he had run out of ways to divert the topic of conversation, he shrugged. "I didn't get him anything."

"How irresponsible of you."

"He didn't get me anything, either."

Two wrongs did not make a right. "What kind of a couple are you?" The tone was part chiding, part amused, and part... something.

"Don't worry," Heero assured him. "We didn't get you anything, either."

No one had gotten anyone anything, really, except maybe a souvenir or two, so it was hardly a thing of note. "But you two are together."

Heero kept a soft sigh to himself. Maybe there was a reason they hadn't yet applied a label to their relationship. "You shouldn't assume too much, just because we're together."

"But people do that sort of thing."

"Do we look like people to you?" He had his eyebrow tilted in inquiry already and everything before he realized the slight weakness in the question. "...In the sense that you intended, that is."

He had to go and amend his statement, cutting off the easy kills. No fun at all. Quatre slipped off his bar stool to find the tea leaves, measuring them into the tea pot as he pondered the matter in his head. He finally came up with the direction that just maybe he wanted to go by the time he was sitting down again. "Is that okay with you?"

"What?" Heero reviewed the content of their previous conversation before puzzling it out. "That we aren't like other people? Maybe it was a... passing regret to begin with. But I think we've come to terms with the facts. We are who we are. I, for one, wouldn't have it any other way." He'd had a lot of time to think about it, and he always came to the same conclusion. He was about to reciprocate the question when Duo came sauntering into the kitchen.

"Where's my hot chocolate?" Duo poked him in the back and peered over his shoulder.

"Right where you'd expect it to be," Heero answered blandly, stirring the mixture.

Duo stuck his finger into the confines of the pot, stopping short of actually touching the liquid. "It's not hot."

"It's not chocolate, either."

"Do people really make real hot chocolate? Like, I don't know what that'd be, melted chocolate? Gourmet hot chocolate?" He looked over to Quatre, expecting him to know the answer.

Quatre answered amiably enough. "Yeah, people make it with real chocolate in some places. There's this famous place in Brussels. You should drop by some time."

"Brussels? Geez, what have I been doing in that city all this time?"

"Hanging out at Headquarters," Heero reminded him.

"Oh, yeah." He made a face. "We've got to get out a little more next time. Find this magic hot chocolate."

"I don't remember Quatre saying anything about magic."

Duo took advantage of the fact that they were on the other side of the counter from Quatre and rubbed his foot along Heero's calf. "Hey, the whole season's magical, ain't it?"

Well, since he brought it up, Quatre used the opening, leaning intently over the counter to study the two of them. "Duo, did you get Heero anything for the holiday gift-giving season?"

"Huh?" He glanced sidelong at Heero to see if there was anything loaded about the question, but when Heero did no more than simply acknowledge the look, Duo took that to mean he was free to answer as he pleased. He made some stalling sounds while he racked his mind for a good answer. "Um. Ooh, I got him fire."

"Fire?" Not exactly what Quatre had expected to hear, but then, they had all pretty much admitted that the lot of them were far from normal.

"Yeah, fire," Duo continued enthusiastically, now that he had warmed up to his topic. His glee led him to sneaking a hand onto Heero's hip. He gestured with his other hand. "Like, um, whatshisname. Prometheus? Stealing fire from the heavens to give to man? Good stuff."

"Prometheus was bound for doing that," Quatre pointed out. "Chained naked to a rock."

"Ooh, kinky." He grinned, letting his hidden hand glide south.

Trowa wandered in, hearing the tail end of their conversation. "And had his liver gnawed on every day by a giant eagle."

Duo's hand paused as he reconsidered. Fortunately, the entrance to the kitchen was also on the other side of the island. "Oh. Not so kinky, then."

"Yeah." Quatre rested his chin on his fist as he thought back to his old tutored classes. The more sophisticated education he had received had long taken a back seat to the technical knowledge he had acquired, and even that became subordinate to the knowledge and experience he used every day. "I think he got saved by Hercules or someone, though."

"Oh?" Duo bumped his hip against Heero's. "Wanna be my Hercules?" he asked teasingly, squeezing Heero's bicep.

Heero bumped back. "No. Hercules was not a very smart man."

"Really?" He'd been about to wonder, then, how it was the legendary hero had become so legendary, with so many feats tucked beneath his belt, but then he remembered that history had shown a lot of stupid men making legends, for better or for worse. Usually worse.

"Brawn over brains." Heero's tone of voice expressed blatant disapproval. "I'd rather not, thank you."

"But who'll save me from the big scary eagle?" He blinked once or twice at Heero, but then decided this batting of the eyelashes thing was really far too much work, so he stopped before anyone noticed.

"How about you don't get yourself chained to a rock to begin with?" That was, after all, one of those things he admired about Duo. Or perhaps it was his ability to get himself free after being chained.

"What, you don't want fire, babe?" Dammit, he used that wretched moniker again, and in the company of others. But he was just joking around, right?

Heero tapped their ankles together, and the whistling of the kettle masked his murmured words. "Already got it."

Duo smiled with a bit of little smug contentment. "Mm, that you do."

Trowa dislodged himself from his former position of leaning against the counter to turn off the kettle, contemplating the words he had just read upon their lips. "You'd make a better Epimetheus, anyway," he declared in the end, bringing the kettle to join the teapot.

"Who's Epimetheus?" Duo asked, his hands now safely stowed away from Heero's person after Trowa had approached their side of the counter. He added an aside to his partner. "And why do I get the feeling that he just insulted me?"

"Don't worry about it," Heero responded, handing him the spoon and stepping away.

Duo obediently took over stirring the cocoa-ed milk before he bristled at the implications. "He did just insult me! Heero!"

"Don't worry about it." Heero's expression wavered between amused and soothing before he turned away to fetch some mugs from the cupboards. "...Hey, does that make me Pandora? I don't want to be Pandora."

"She was a beautiful woman, Heero," Trowa answered with a straight face. "Irresistable."

"Who brought suffering and sin to mankind. Let's not forget that part."

"She brought hope, too." They started toting their gathered loot into the den.

"Hey," Duo called after Heero, still stirring. "Weren't you making me my hot chocolate?"

Heero answered without breaking stride. "You two are the ones drinking the hot chocolate. You can finish it yourselves." He forestalled further complaint by bringing up the issue of Pandora again with Trowa as they disappeared from sight with their tea.

Duo pouted on general principle. Their drinks would be done soon, but it just wasn't the same, not having it magically materialize in his hand, all melty and hot and done. Oh well, he could probably get Heero to make it up to him later. "Get me some cups, yeah?"

Quatre shuffled off to do his bidding. "Why do these guys know so much about mythology, anyway?"

"I dunno. Heero fed me some line about crazy scientists and top-secret projects, once. You brought it up with the chaining to a rock thing. Why do you know that?"

He returned, cups in hand, sliding them over to Duo's side. "There's at least one famous painting on the matter. And you brought it up with the Prometheus thing."

Duo considered Prometheus to be common knowledge, and thus not snooty or over-educated at all. "Any paintings on this Epimetheus guy?"

"Not that I know of. I think he was Prometheus' brother, maybe? Don't know why you'd make a better one, though."

"Okay, I'm so kicking his ass at whatever game Wufei chooses." Wufei wasn't particularly knowledgeable about video games, but he was no worse off than the rest of them. After a few rounds of rock, paper, scissors, it had been decided that he be the one to select the first game from the modest gaming library.

"No matter what game it is?"

He turned off the flame with self-righteous resolve. "No matter."

"You still don't like Trowa that much, do you?"

The question had been mild, with a bit of wryness, keeping Duo from outright defensiveness, although it did leave him with a contemplative aftertaste as he poured the hot chocolate out into the two mugs. "Hm. Yeah, it's kind of weird, isn't it? I mean, all things considered, he's not that different from Heero, casual-interaction-wise. Maybe it's just exposure. I didn't much like Heero at first, either, or even get what his whole vibe was for quite a while, so maybe it's not so weird that I still don't get Trowa."

"So if you spent more time with Trowa, would you want to sleep with him, too?"

He returned the pot quite audibly to its burner on the range. "Shit, I don't know if that's a joke, or just insulting, or scary, or what."

Quatre lifted a hand and waved it in his defense, warding off misunderstanding. "I didn't mean it negatively."

Duo frowned anyway. "So how did you mean it?"

"I don't know. It just came to mind, so I said it." It had been intended as an offhand remark, an amused observation, a clever parallel, and not at all as a serious rhetorical or non-rhetorical question.

"I don't dig Heero just because he's there, you know." Because the spoon happened to be in his hand, he gestured firmly at Quatre with it. "That'd be kind of icky."

"Well, yeah, I don't think you guys are that, I don't know. What do you call it these days? Loose? Desperate?"

"Gee. Thanks." With a huff of annoyance, Duo took the emptied pot over to the sink.

Quatre turned in his seat to watch his progress. "What, didn't need saying?"

"Uh, no. Didn't need saying, thanks." Duo used the spray attachment to wash out the pot, using the sound of the splashing water as cover for a mutter. "Sheesh, a guy scores, and suddenly he's a sleazeball or something."

"Hey, I said you weren't," Quatre was quick to remind him.

Duo let the pot drop the final centimeter into the bottom of the sink and turned back to his conversational partner. "Well, say what you want about me, but you know Heero's not that kind of guy. Unless you're trying to say I'm taking advantage of him or something."

"Whoa, cool down, Duo." Quatre waved both his hands this time in a warding gesture. "I said you weren't, remember?"

His jaw worked for a few seconds while he gathered up his ire and squished it into a tight, compact package for convenient portability. He let it shine for one final moment before tucking it away into his pocket for later. "No. I wouldn't sleep with Trowa. Or you, for that matter." That said, he took up his mug and made his way back to the others without waiting for Quatre.


"So... who's Epimetheus?"

Somehow, Heero had been waiting for that question. He took his time settling into a comfortable position under the covers before answering. "Prometheus' brother."

"Yeah, I figured that part out," Duo said impatiently, wriggling close enough to Heero's side to harass him as necessary. "That ain't why Trowa brought him up, though." Well, it was more preemptive now than necessary, but he poked Heero's belly several times to prod an answer out of him.

Heero caught the attacking hand and held it down against his body. "'Prometheus' is derived from 'foresight', 'Epimetheus' from 'hindsight'."

Duo blinked in the darkness as he processed the definitions. "So he was insulting me!"

"Not very much."

"Oh, I am so not sleeping with him."

"Excuse me?" There hadn't even been a stunned silence before the question. Heero's response had been immediate.

Denied more poking, Duo used his trapped hand to rub circles instead. "Never mind."

"Never mind?" Certain that he could find another comfortable position later, Heero rolled them over and assumed a demanding position above Duo. "I'm not just 'never mind'ing something like that."

Duo grinned, enjoying the way he could sense Heero's proximity through the heat in the air. "Ooh, possessive all of a sudden, aren't we?"

"There's no 'all of a sudden' about it." His words were firm, but his kiss was loving and playful.

"You're certainly one of a kind, aren't you, Yuy?" Duo chuckled, sliding a hand along the toned body above his until he found Heero's cheek.

Heero nuzzled his hand. "That's one way to put it."

Duo sighed softly. "And me? I'm unique, too?"

"Very." It was only as an afterthought that he considered that maybe there had been some sort of undertone to that question.

"I'm the only one that could be me, right?"

"Absolutely." The hesitation following the word drove him to find an example that would add substance to his answer. "I don't think anyone else would pull me behind a potted plant like you did, just for the pure amusement of it."

Duo stifled a small laugh, recalling their interaction just minutes before, on their way to the bathroom to brush their teeth before bed. He'd noticed the fake palm in the corner of the hallway before, but he'd never seen the wondrously humorous potential for hiding behind it; that its sparse foliage provided practically non-existent cover made the cliché just that much more amusing. And the kisses, of course, made it just that much more delicious. "And you like that?"

"Potted plants? Not so much. One of those leaves kept poking me and molesting my hair."

"Hey." He pouted, running his fingers through the locks in question. "My hair. My your-hair. Mine to molest."

"The completely random molestation, though -- by you, not the plant? I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Mine," he repeated happily, still playing with that which he claimed. "Though you may need a trim, soon. Otherwise it's going to start getting in your eyes and before you know it, it'll be all funny-looking and unbalanced and weird and that wouldn't be any good at all."

It took a moment, but the description finally registered. "So... why are you not sleeping with Trowa?"

Duo used his conveniently placed hand to pull Heero in close enough to whisper into his ear. "Because I love you."

The words caught Heero off guard for a moment. It was unlike Duo to make such a declaration out of the blue, but he wasn't about to complain. "Oh. Well, in that case, I'm not going to sleep with Trowa, either."

"Good." Duo used his hand to guide Heero's head once more, this time bringing their lips together in a repeat of the slow kisses shared behind one cheerfully voyeuristic potted palm.



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