Moments of Haven Part 47
On the Wagon
"What?" Duo answered dully. With his bed handily inclined, he kept his eyes fixed on the IV drip the doctor had adjusted. His dosage had been dramatically decreased, very soon to be stopped altogether, and very much so against the doctor's recommendations, but the fact that he was still being dosed at all with the hated drugs made his skin crawl in revulsion. Or perhaps that was just the drugs.
Heero uncharacteristically fiddled with the cell phone in his hands before responding, trying to shake off the air of guilt he felt from thinking so practically in a time such as this. "Do you think you could talk to Quatre for a bit? I think he'd be reassured if he could hear your voice."
"Quatre?" Duo wasn't feeling that fuzzy. What did Quatre have to do with anything?
"He heard... about the situation. Apparently Wufei had some way of finding out what happened. He gave me a call not long after you were transferred to the ICU. I briefed him, asked him to tell the others. Told him I'd keep him updated. When I stepped out just now, I checked my voice mail, and Quatre had called. I think he'd like to hear from you... if you want. I cleared it with the doctors. You're not in need of constant monitoring." Yet, he added mentally. "So as long as we keep it short and away from the equipment, it'll be fine..." He trailed off before it seemed like he was babbling.
Ulterior motives abounded. Maybe talking to Quatre would cheer him up a bit, since there didn't seem to be much that Heero could do that could accomplish that at the moment. If nothing else, Quatre would be cheered by hearing Duo's voice. Heero didn't want to push the issue, but if the phone call was to be made, now was the time to do it. Quatre would not be reassured at all to hear Duo in the throes of withdrawal.
Duo blinked, sighed, and nodded after a few moments, so Heero flipped open his phone and dialed, knwoing it would be late evening at Quatre's home. The businessman would be retired for the evening, but not yet prepared to sleep.
"Heero? How is he?" Quatre asked without much ado.
He wished he could find a good way to answer that question. All things considered, Duo was doing very well, but what had passed was hardly what was weighing on Heero's mind. No, he was worried about the present and the future. "Why don't you ask him yourself?" he dodged, holding the phone out to his partner.
Duo reached up to take it with his left hand, frowned when he realized that there was a needle stuck in his skin, then switched to his right. "Hey, Q," he greeted, his usual enthusiasm and energy somewhat lacking, although the effort was made to cover that.
"Duo? I heard what happened. I'm glad to hear you're okay."
"Yeah, well, what could keep me down?" Maybe it was Heero's imagination, but he thought he detected a faint undercurrent of bitterness there beneath the light tone.
"When will you be able to go home?"
"Oh, a few days, they say," Duo answered imprecisely. More accurately, it would probably be closer to five or six days, if his withdrawal symptoms peaked as expected in the next forty-eight to seventy-two hours. "I just have to wait for all this crap to clear out of my system, is all."
"You're going to go crazy, locked up in there, aren't you?"
"Yup, going a little crazy is definitely on the menu." Only he meant, crazy in a drug-induced, quite nearly certain there really were spiders crawling all over his skin, sort of way.
"Well, I'm sure Heero will find some way to keep you distracted, for his own sanity, if nothing else."
He frowned faintly. "Great. 'Cuz you know how much of an upper Yuy can be."
"I wish I could invite you to give me a call when you get bored, but I guess that, with the equipment and all, you probably aren't allowed, are you?"
"I dunno. Heero managed to get me a few minutes just now, but I wouldn't count on him being able to charm the docs on a regular basis. Actually, I wouldn't count on that as a one-time thing, either, if it hadn't already happened the once. Anyway, speaking of, I'm probably hitting the end of my time limit, so I'm gonna hand the phone back to Heero, okay? I'll call you again when I get out of here."
"Alright, Duo. Take care. I'll absolutely be expecting you to call, so you better, okay?"
"You got it, Q-ball. Maxwell out." Despite the bantering tone he had used to carry out the conversation, Duo held the phone out disinterestedly in his partner's direction when he was finished. There was no reason for their fingers to brush during the exchange.
Heero took it with an odd reluctance and informed Duo softly that he would take it outside before he exited the room. "Hello?" he said into the receiver, wandering a little away from Duo's door.
"Heero?" Quatre's tone of voice had changed as well. His brief conversation had been upbeat, but now he settled into a more concerned role. Duo had been distinctly less chatty than usual. It was hard to miss. "Is Duo really alright?"
Heero tilted the phone away from his mouth for a moment so he could exhale slowly in a silent sigh. "He'll be alright. He's a tough guy. This will be nothing."
"I'm hearing the future tense in that sentence, Heero. What's his condition right now? And how does he really feel about being in the hospital for the next few days?"
He ran his free hand through his bangs, only absently registering that that was becoming a bad habit. He reassured himself that he would be able to stop any time he wanted. "Right now, he's fine. In a day or two, he's going to crash from the withdrawal, and then after that, he'll be fine again. As for how he feels...."
Quatre finished the thought when Heero trailed off into another tired sigh. "I know he can't be happy about it. He hates hospitals and doctors. Is he taking that out on you?"
"Hn. Not without reason. I..." He experienced the uncommon urge to talk to someone about the matter, and failing his regular discussion partner, he decided to go ahead and let Quatre know what had passed between them. "I made a decision regarding Duo's treatment that he wouldn't have made himself. He's not particularly happy with me right now."
"What do you mean?"
It took another deep breath for him to convince himself to go into more detail. "Duo has a violent distaste for narcotic substances. I should have realized he would be displeased that I chose the safer route, to ease him off the drug gradually rather than doing it all at once."
Quatre hissed in delicate understanding of the matter. He could figure out what 'violent distaste' meant when applied to Duo's behavior. "Oh my. He's holding a grudge against you for that?"
"I wouldn't call it a grudge," he hedged mildly. That made it sound petty. While he didn't understand why Duo had such a hard time accepting his decision, he didn't have as much of a difficult time understanding Duo's anger. He was a little angry at himself as well.
"Don't apologize for him, Heero. I'm not saying that one of you is right and one of you is wrong, but you made a decision, and it was made in good faith, and it wasn't even anything permanent, right? Duo was able to make his own decision as soon as he was conscious enough to do so. You didn't make a 'wrong' decision for him; you just held the fort down until he could do it for himself. You don't have to feel guilty about that, Heero."
"I'm not--" He stopped himself from denying it. There was no point in the face of Quatre's perception. "It doesn't matter, Quatre. I made the decision, and I still stick by it, no matter what Duo thinks. Given the same situation--" Given the same heart-pounding fear that came with the possibility of Duo's death. "--I'd make the same decision again. Based on the circumstances, it was the decision to make. But that doesn't make him any less angry at me."
"He'll get over it, Heero. For all you know, it could be just the drugs in his system--"
"No. No, it's not." No point in denying that, either. Duo had been coherent enough before he had found out what was in his drip. "I know him, Quatre. This... this is how he would react, drugs or not."
"I was merely offering an alternative," Quatre soothed. "I don't think it's the drugs, either. And I get the feeling that even mentioning anything of the sort in Duo's presence would be a very unwise idea. Nevertheless, he's being unfair if he's angry you made a decision based on your concern for his welfare. He's probably just upset with the situation in general."
"That doesn't make him any less angry," Heero repeated. "And now is certainly not the time to argue it with him."
"Don't worry about us, Quatre. It'll work itself out." One way or another.
"I'm sure it will. I can't see much of anything breaking your friendship if you don't want it to."
Heero supposed that, in a sense, he was glad this had nothing to do with any of the new facets of their relationship. So far, that decision had not proved wrong. "If any of the others contact you, can you let them know how things are going? I don't think Duo will be in any mood to talk for the next couple of days, and I'll be staying with him, so my cell will be off. I'll be checking my messages, though."
"Of course."
The conversation ended with a few more vague reassurances that did little to ease the concerns of either of them.
After speaking to Quatre, Heero took a few moments for himself, and then re-entered Duo's room. The bed-bound figure had managed to angle the head of his bed a couple more notches in an attempt to avoid the sensation of an invalid status. His eyes flickered in Heero's direction, then turned away again in dismissal. Instead, he fiddled with the remote control for the television in his room.
Heero seated himself gingerly in the chair by Duo's bedside, silent as he watched Duo flip through channels. Finding nothing on that captured his attention, Duo turned the monitor off and tossed the remote back on to his bedside table. "What are you still doing here?" he asked, arms crossing over his chest. Once again, his IV line got in the way before he could complete his intended move, and he took out his irritation on his partner. "Aren't visiting hours over?"
Heero nodded, getting that familiarly queasy feeling inside, knowing Duo was about to have something else to be miffed about. "I talked the staff into letting me stay."
Duo cast him a glare beneath a raised brow. "Oh? And how did you manage that? Not by the force of your overwhelming charm, I presume."
A muscle in his jaw twitched. While he understood that Duo was upset with him and the situation, the snippiness was getting to him. He found that he couldn't ignore it as easily as he once did. "Someone should be staying with you through this. I convinced them not to waste a staff member on it and let me do it instead."
In retrospect, perhaps 'waste' hadn't been the best choice of words. "So, what, I need a babysitter now?"
Duo was misunderstanding him, and deliberately, he thought. He took a breath to dispel the frustration, and chose his words with a little more care. "Doing it this way, you'll need someone to sit with you, for whatever might happen. Not everything will necessarily be something the machines can detect and monitor, so you'll need someone that can keep track of what needs doing."
"Uh-huh. And you elected yourself because you're just so good at knowing what I need and want, right?"
That was justified, but still painful. "I know you, Duo." And he knew that no matter how much Duo might protest otherwise, Duo would prefer him over some random stranger on the medical staff. "Regardless of whether or not you like me right now, I can read you better than anyone else. Can you honestly say you'd prefer one of those vacuous nurses by your side?"
He could see that Duo was on the verge of saying 'yes', but couldn't bring himself to finish the action. That was nice to know, but not unexpected. It would have been very disturbing if Duo had gone ahead with it. From the way his eyes narrowed, however, Duo made it very clear that he wished it were otherwise.
"You won't even have to talk to me, Duo," he said, repressing another sigh. He reached down to the black faux leather carrying case on the ground beside him, putting it in his lap as he unzipped it and extracted the slim machine within. "Here, I brought your laptop."
Duo took it warily and set it down on his bed. "And here I thought that was yours."
He wasn't sure whether that had been a conciliatory attempt at conversation, or a criticism on the ubiquity of his computer, so he treated the statement neutrally. "I brought mine as well. You would hardly want me staring at you the whole time, now would you?"
Duo snorted, then added a roll of the eyes and a shake of the head for good measure.
Well, that was better than no reaction at all. "I also raided the gift store. They had a few books, though I'm not sure you'd want to read them. A lot of them seemed to be medical-related, fiction or otherwise. They had some cards, too," he added, pulling a deck out from his jacket pocket and setting it on the bedside table. He reached down to pull something else out of a pocket in the laptop's carrying case. "And a book of crosswords. They had a couple of coloring books as well, which I thought you might get a kick out of, but they didn't seem to have any crayons. I'm sure I could hunt some down in the pediatric ward or something if you really wanted...."
Duo had picked up the deck of cards, and was fingering the box carefully. "This brings back memories," he murmured. "In a reversed sort of way."
Yes, only Heero hadn't been as irritable during his period of neurochemical adjustment. Then again, he hadn't been deeply and morally opposed to an excess of neurotransmitters in his brain. "We haven't played for a long time."
"Heero..." He let his partner's name linger in the air for a few expectant seconds before continuing. "Why do I still have a needle stuck in my skin?"
That hadn't been quite what Heero had anticipated, but he supposed he had sort of expected the unexpected. He dealt with it with his usual aplomb. "The nurse said she would be in to remove it. I asked before I called Quatre....But I suppose we can just take it out now and claim someone already took care of it."
Figuring they might as well do things properly while they were in a fully-stocked medical facility, he stood, found some sterile gauze in a cabinet, and then came back to hold out his hand. A moment passed in which he thought Duo might refuse and try to take it out himself, but Duo capitulated, and gave his hand into Heero's care. Heero accepted the responsibility solemnly, peeling off first the transparent membrane covering the insertion site, then the two pieces of tape holding the needle in place. Positioning his gauze, he carefully slid the needle out and applied pressure, lingering over the feel of Duo's hand in his. It was cold. Heero was thinking of what he could do about that when Duo's voice pulled him back to the present.
"Heero. Dump the needle." Duo's eyes were fixed on the length of metal that had recently been in his hand. He didn't like needles.
Heero blinked, then went back into action. "Hold this," he said, indicating the gauze. Once Duo's fingers had replaced his, brushing only in passing, Heero set about disposing of the needle, tape, and IV setup as he thought a member of the staff would. He would impassively lie to any nurse that questioned the removal, but the less he had to, the better.
When he was done, he came back to Duo's side. The uncommunicative quiet between them was still there. He broke it by nudging Duo's fingers aside and peeking underneath the gauze. Seeing no further need of it, he removed it and disposed of it along with everything else.
Duo flexed his hand experimentally, unspeakably glad the intrusive needle was out. A few more moments fled the scene while Heero reseated himself before Duo spoke again. "Heero."
It was murmured quite softly, but it was said nevertheless. Heero just wished Duo would look him in the eye as he said it. That way, he'd be able to tell just what it was that Duo was thanking him for. The opportunity passed entirely when Duo picked up the deck of cards again, broke the seal, and shuffled through it.
"What did we used to play?"
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