Moments of Haven Part 42
Coming Out of the Kitchen
It so happened that one of their Fridays off coincided with a Friday appointment that Ms. Suzuhara had in the city, so they volunteered to watch her daughter for the afternoon. As Ami was fairly low maintenance, it was no burden at all for the two of them.
She joined them at their home and kept to herself reading a book in the corner of their living room while the two of them did a little light work on their case in the other corner. An hour or two had passed in pleasant nondescriptiveness when Heero asked the others if they would like some iced tea. They agreed, and he excused himself to fetch the refreshments.
Heero looked up as the door to the kitchen swung open and Duo walked in. He had just gotten the pitcher of tea from the refrigerator and he set it down beside the three waiting glasses. "I thought getting iced tea was a one-man activity."
"Ah, but you're getting three iced teas," Duo countered with his usual logic. "That has to add up somewhere. Besides, it's no fair that you get to get up and stretch and I don't."
"Then you should have volunteered first." He picked the pitcher up again and started pouring the tea into the glasses. He had filled two of them before Duo pressed his arm into setting the pitcher down on the countertop again.
"I'd like to fill my own teacup, if I may," Duo declared with a mischievous grin before leaning down to drink of Heero's mouth.
They parted with a few gentle laps at each other's lips, and it was as if an echo of Duo's smile had impressed itself upon Heero's expression. "So, does this make you my teapot?"
Duo stared at him for a long second, his lips twitching suspiciously before he finally broke down, stumbled back, and doubled over in a loud laugh that wracked his frame only a few steps short of painfully. Heero watched him for a moment with amused tolerance before he finished what he had started. After the last glass had been filled, he went back to the refrigerator, put the pitcher back, and pulled out a fresh lemon. It took that long for Duo to get himself under control. The guffaws had been downgraded to mere chuckles that still got away from him every now and then.
"So why is being a teapot that much more funny than being a teacup?" Heero asked him.
He shook his head helplessly for a couple of seconds before shrugging. "I have no clue. It just is."
Then it was Heero's turn to shake his head, and he added a roll of his eyes for good measure. If even Duo couldn't figure himself out half the time, how could Heero expect to be able to? He went towards the drying rack by the sink to fetch a knife.
Duo intercepted him, enough mirth left over to leave him in a magnanimous mood. He held out his hand expectantly. "Here, let me help."
Heero halted, glanced at the hand, then looked back up at its owner.
He tsked impatiently. "Give me the lemon, and you can get the sugar."
Heero looked pointedly at the lemon that was already in his hand, and the knife that was already near his other hand. "Why don't I take the lemon, and you get the sugar?"
Duo pouted. "But I don't like all the pulpy bits from the lemon in my tea when you squeeze the lemon."
"It's not like I throw the whole lemon in there, Duo. Besides, it's just a little pulp."
"But it could be less," Duo argued. "My iced tea shouldn't have any texture to it. And I can taste it. It's like little pockets of sour in the middle of my sweet."
"You've never complained before." The whole reason they brewed a pitcher of plain tea and then added the lemon and sugar afterwards was because they liked their iced tea slightly different. Heero liked a stronger lemon flavor, and Duo liked his a little sweeter. They were both well aware of this and, when fixing glasses for the other, adjusted their additions appropriately, but Heero had always squeezed less lemon without any thought for the pulp.
"That's because it's too late to complain -- ahem, no, sorry, bring up the issue -- after the fact. Now hand over the lemon." He reached out to snatch it from Heero's hand.
Heero tightened his grip on the fruit and avoided the main thrust of Duo's attack, which naturally did nothing to deter Duo's assault. He tried again, and then once more, and after a short while of twisting and dodging and grabbing, he decided perhaps a diversion was in order. A brief tickle offensive was launched, but it was defeated by the simple fact that Heero either was not ticklish, or refused to show it. This called for another tactic.
The man on defense was just asking himself why they were playing this game when Duo dove in not with his hands but his mouth. Heero managed to keep his concentration on keeping the lemon in his possession, so Duo was forced to try a little harder, and indeed, the diversion worked so well that for a moment even Duo forgot what the goal of it had been.
Heero froze at the sound of the little girl's voice, leaving Duo to automatically take advantage of his distraction to grab the lemon. Duo's mind caught up a fraction of a second later and froze as well at the implications of that voice, its last coherent thought being something along the lines of, 'Oh, crap.'
Heero disengaged his lips from Duo's and slowly looked over Duo's shoulder at the wide-eyed neighbor who had somehow managed to slip into the kitchen without their notice. "Uh..."
"Heero-niichan, you promised!" Her voice wasn't loud, but it held quite a note of accusation.
He blinked, then said intelligently, "Huh?"
"You promised," she repeated, this time with a dash of hurt and betrayal. "You said you weren't interested in kissing and stuff."
"Oh." Now that she mentioned it, he did remember a conversation with that theme. He reviewed it quickly in his mind as he slipped past Duo so he could talk to Ami without a body in the way. Duo was only too glad to switch places and be the one hiding behind another in this instance. "Hmm. Well, as I recall, I said you wouldn't have to worry about there being anyone new in my life as a result of 'kissing and stuff', and... there isn't."
Did he really think logic and technicality were going to get him out of this little situation? She looked rather skeptical, so he tried again. "Duo and I... haven't changed, especially in our relationship to you, so there's nothing to worry about. We've only... added something. Nothing has been taken away from anyone."
She frowned at him in thought, and it seemed she was going to hesitantly accept the explanation for a short moment before her eyes widened again. "Hey, why are you kissing Duo anyway?" she demanded.
Duo winced minutely. "Darn. I was hoping she hadn't noticed." He received two withering glares for that soft statement, which he responded to with an innocent shrug. When Heero took a step to the side, clearly indicating that he was no longer willing to protect his partner in crime, Duo figured maybe that was his cue to bear some of the brunt of the interrogation. "Well, um... haven't you had this talk with your mother yet?"
She made an exasperated sound. He was obviously another one of those people that got distinctly uncomfortable discussing such things with children, unlike his friend. "No, I've had this talk with Heero."
Duo cast his friend a strange sidelong glance before 'ah'ing in remembrance. "Oh yeah. When 'Lena was here, right?"
Heero shrugged in a way that somehow meant yes before he took over the awkward explanations again. He knew what he had told Ami, after all, not that that was very useful knowledge at the moment. "So when you ask why, are you questioning the 'kissing' part, or the 'Duo' part?"
The fact that she knew Heero would treat her with respect when answering her questions made her settle down and give her side of the conversation equal consideration. She didn't want to waste the opportunity with childish, ill-thought-out questions. "The 'Duo' part. I mean, if you were kissing some girl, I'd get that. Well, actually I wouldn't get that either, but I'd at least let it go. We had -that- talk. But why Duo? That's just weird."
"Gee, don't I feel special," the Duo in question muttered under his breath, retreating back to safety behind Heero.
Heero ignored him. "I like Duo."
"I like Duo, too," Ami frowned. "I'm not going to kiss him. That was what -that- talk was about, wasn't it?"
He nodded. They'd briefly gone over the different definitions of 'like', with Heero straying for a moment into the Greek philosophy of the three kinds of love before Ami made him do it again, only without using any long or foreign words.
"I thought you didn't get what was so great about kissing, either."
Duo withheld his amusement, leaving Heero to respond in peace. "Well, I didn't. And then I tried it, and, well, I still don't get why it's such a nice thing, but it is nice."
She chewed on that for a bit before moving back to the latter part of the original question. "I thought you liked Duo as a friend. Not... in a kissing way."
At least they'd graduated from saying 'that way'. A 'kissing way' was just slightly less juvenile. "I do like Duo as a friend. If he weren't a friend, I probably wouldn't like him in a kissing way at all. But we just... agreed that we could probably be more than just friends if we wanted to, so we decided to give it a shot."
"And it's working?" she said rather incredulously.
"I like to think so," Heero answered with a faint smile.
Duo decided that perhaps now was a good time to chime in. He knew the answer to that question. "Me, too."
"So you mean you could be more than just friends with any friend?"
Heero continued to field her questions with a placid expression. "You could try, but it might not work out very well. It's working for us, though."
"Why? I mean, obviously this isn't a 'you want to get married and have babies together' thing."
Ah, yes. That had been part of the explanation he had pulled out of nowhere for romantic love. Duo turned pink from trying to stifle... something. Horror or amusement or something, something that caused him to press his lips firmly together and hide his face against the back of Heero's shoulder until he could look up again without his eyeballs falling out of their sockets.
Heero absently reached back a few inches and brushed one of Duo's hands in comfort while he tried to come up with a good answer. "Well, lots of people get married and don't have babies together," he stalled.
Ami took after Heero in some ways, and right now she was wearing an expression that said, 'your point?'
"Honestly, I don't know why," he finally decided to answer, shrugging the shoulder that wasn't occupied with Duo's face. They were friends that had decided to get physical, and for one reason or another, the one didn't interfere with the other, only seemed to enhance it, and life was good. "Maybe if you ask me again a few years from now, I might have a better answer than that."
"God, don't encourage her!" Duo protested fervently under his breath. The almost inaudible exclamation passed unremarked upon.
She looked intently at him, trying to figure out if that had been the typical 'ask me again when you're older' brush-off that adults gave kids, or if Heero had really meant it because he just didn't have the answers himself. Eventually, she chose to give him the benefit of the doubt. He had always been honest and forthright with her before.
Duo suddenly looked up, pleased that his face seemed to have settled down. "Oh, I know. Didn't someone once say that love is friendship set on fire? And, uh, well, I like fire," he offered lamely in conclusion, abruptly realizing he had mentioned the dreaded 'L' word. He had totally meant it in a general romantic 'kissing way' sense, and it seemed everyone was taking it that way, but it still unnerved him.
Heero spent a moment of his life trying to figure out if that statement had been helpful or not. He didn't come to a conclusion, but he did decide to support his partner. "Fire's good."
"If I'm confused about this whole thing later in my life, I expect you to answer my questions," Ami declared after a brief silence, and that was the end of that. She turned around and walked out of the kitchen as if nothing odd had happened.
The two left behind looked at each other for a moment before Heero finally let out a soft breath and gave a hint that he was not as complacent as he had seemed. "I would prefer to not have to do that again." He reclaimed the lemon from Duo's loose grip and went about what he had set out to do, only this time paying more attention to the pulp that went into Duo's glass.
"I think it went rather well, all things considered." Duo dutifully upheld his side of things and got the sugar, as well as a few ice cubes now that their drinks had been sitting on the counter for a while. "But I get this horrible feeling that she -will- be confused about this whole thing later, and that she will have questions."
"Why don't you try answering some of them next time?"
"Because you answer them better? Seriously. Are you sure you two aren't related somehow, because that girl... is not a normal ten year old. Thank goodness."
They finished up and left the kitchen with three iced teas in hand. As Ami accepted hers, she asked, "So, does Mom know?"
"Yup," Duo answered cheerfully, settling back in his seat. They were back on safer ground now. "This is all her fault. Let's blame her. Well, and Lena."
Heero poked his finger into Duo's side as he sat down next to him. "Yes, she was the one that first suggested to us that we... try something different."
"I don't know if she would want you to know, though," Duo added thoughtfully. "I mean, since it's supposedly one of those mysterious adult things, right? Heck, I don't think I want her to know."
"She already knows," Heero pointed out.
"I mean, for Ami's mom to know she caught us kissing in the kitchen? I think she'd be upset, if not because we got caught by her daughter, then because she wasn't the one to catch us. Oh, I know what would be really fun! Ami, why don't you not tell your mom that you know?"
"What do you mean, because she wasn't the one to catch you?"
"Oh, well, she knows we're together, right? But she's never actually -seen- us together. And we never tell her just how together we are. But she always wants to know. She might be a little miffed if she knew that you now know more than she does. But, if you don't tell her, not only will she not be miffed, but you can totally mess with her mind."
"Duo." As usual, Heero took on the task of chiding his partner.
"Okay, maybe not 'totally' mess with her, but just a little? You know. Like, hint that you know with the most innocent little statements, but don't let on that you actually know? It'd be fun."
"Stop corrupting her."
"Come on, whaddya say?" Ami was starting to look interested. He was sure he could convince her...
"Duo." Sometimes it was exhausting being the responsible one.
"It'll be like our little secret."
"That sounds very sinister."
"Spoilsport. Look, Ami, for whatever weird motherly reason, your mother is always trying to 'find out' about us, either catch us doing something, or get us to tell her something. Now, we've been very good about keeping this to ourselves -- up until about ten minutes ago. So congratulations, by the way. You've managed to do what two grown women have been trying to do for months now."
"Two?" she asked.
"Yeah, Lena was in on it, too, remember? So she knows, and-- You know, we'll answer your questions if we've confused you, but in return, I gotta ask, if you ever understand what's going on in their heads, you have got to let me in on it, because I haven't a clue. Anyway, we'd really like to keep on keeping it to ourselves, and I think it'd be very nice of you if you'd help us keep it to ourselves in the future."
"...So, it would be like our little secret." The whole adultness of it all was truly appealing.
"Ha!" He nudged Heero's side with his elbow. "Told ya so."
Ami grinned. "Sounds like fun."
hey, look, i wrote a lemon into haven! =D
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