Thus concludes the Two Flirting Doves collection. Happy *double-checks calendar* Epiphany.

Two Flirting Doves Part 12

"What?" Duo's flat demand was delivered through ten centimeters of open door.

"I'm sorry." He held up two bags.

Duo eyed the bags suspiciously, and after a long, tense moment, decided to accept the peace offering. He imperiously held his hand out, just on the inside of the opening. He would accept this offering, but Heero would have to come to him.

There was a moment's hesitation, and then Heero slid his hand into the potential trap, not exhaling until he had delivered one of the bags into hostile territory and safely withdrawn.

Duo opened it and inhaled deeply of its contents, eyes closed as if judging the scent, analyzing it, and finally approving of it. He stuck his hand into the bag, broke off a corner of one of the cookies, and confirmed its goodness before holding his hand forth for the second bag.

With a twist of his lips and narrow eyes, Heero leveled a measured stare at the hand before pushing the second bag in the direction of the opening. As expected, it did not fit through the small gap allowed by the door's security chain. "You're going to have to open up for this one."

Duo frowned. After a moment, the door shut, but it was relatively long in opening again. The chain was still in place, and now Duo was brandishing a spoon. He gestured in a come-hither manner toward the bag.

"Seriously, Duo?"

Duo gave him a very serious look.

With a roll of his eyes, Heero pulled the ice cream container out of the bag, peeled the lid off, and held it near the door. Duo went for it, spoon at the ready, but Heero quickly pulled it just out of reach. "Just open the door, Duo."

Duo half glared, half pouted, then shut the door with a decisive sound.

Heero held his scowl for a good half minute before jamming the lid back onto the ice cream carton, shoving it back in the bag, and stalking back to the elevator lobby at the end of the hall. He tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for the car's arrival, watching the digital numbers count off the floors.

Duo slid silently into place beside him.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened.

The doors closed, and the elevator took off again with a smooth mechanical whirr.

Duo slipped his hand around Heero's. "I'm sorry, too."

Heero offered no resistance when Duo tugged him back to his apartment.



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