Author: hostilecrayon

Pairing: 1+4+1 *GASPETH*

Rating: G

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine.

kelkatan asked for a Heero/Quatre drabble using the theme of home. *Rubs hands together* Let's see what I can do... (Just so you know, this is my FIRST attempt at an alternate pairing from my usual. So if it sucks... >.>;;;)

A Modest House

I walked across the empty living room, my footsteps echoing across the hardwood floor, and came to rest in front of the bay window overlooking a small backyard that was so overgrown it looked more like a field.

The house was modest; two bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room and a kitchen. It wasn't new, and it held the wear and tear of several years of serving its former owner. Duo would have said it had 'personality'. Wufei probably wouldn't have cared either way. Trowa, more than anyone would understand my sentiments. As wandering warriors, the value of a home was more than could be expressed properly with words.

This house, small and modest it may be, but it felt like a home. Through the wild brush, I could make out the remnants of a flower bed. At my feet, small scuffs and scrapes lined the floor, telling stories I could only imagine. The walls were lined with little nail holes which undoubtedly held pictures at one time.

It spoke to me of family. It spoke to a longing within I'd ignored for far too long.

Warm arms encircled me, and Quatre's breath tickled my neck as he nuzzled against it. "Heero? We have a few more houses to see today. We don't have to choose now." His gaze followed mine. "What are you looking at?"

I smiled. "Our future."



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