Author: hostilecrayon

Pairing: 1+2+1

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine.

Another drabble request from my top ten list. This one was from siberianknight. It was melting ice cream on a hot summer day. ^.^


It was hot. Not just 'turn the air conditioner on' hot, it was 'I think my skin is melting' hot. It was sort of what I figured the Gundams felt like right before they plunged head-first into the sun. I thought I was going to die.

And what better an activity on a hot day than eating a giant ice cream cone in the shade?

So there I was, sitting on the back porch, attacking an outrageously tall waffle cone with ice cream stacks as high as I could possibly make it.

Heero sat across from me, his nose buried in some thick novel, just enjoying the day. Extreme temperatures never bothered Heero.

"Hey Heero." The raising of his eyebrows was the only way I knew he'd heard me. "My ice cream is melting all over the place."

He snorted. "You shouldn't have made it so big."

"You want some? It's getting all over the place!" I held up a sticky hand to emphasize my point.

He peered over his book at me while I tried to lick up the quickly liquefying drops.

Before I could even blink, Heero's lips her on mine, his tongue teasing at my lips, slipping into my mouth and exploring it thoroughly. Suddenly, I forgot all about the ice cream and the hot day, and melted into him. As the shock wore off, I started to respond, but he pulled back and licked his lips, grinning. "Delicious."

I smirked. "Want some more?"



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