Author: hostilecrayon
Pairing: 1x2 implied
Rating: PG
Warnings: Silly
Disclaimer: I don't own GW.
Notes: Another sequel to a drabble by Duosugar, which seems to have become a round robin of sorts...
Wong Wei Chicken - duosugar
Big Meat, Warm Buns - chn_breathmint
At the Food Court - brandella
The Deli Deluxe
"It looks like we'll have a decent lunch hour, for once. Good job, Zechs." Trowa took a bite of his turkey and onion on sourdough, inclining his head towards the fellow Agent.
"Seriously. I didn't even know we had a Deli Deluxe by us." Duo agreed amiably.
Zechs snorted. "You didn't think I'd take you to someplace as disgraceful as the Food Court, did you?" He grinned good naturedly.
"Really, I think I could stomach this everyday." Wufei added between sips of tea.
"Let's hope we manage to be allowed to eat here everyday." Zechs glared at Heero and Duo in turn. "Let's NOT have a repeat of the Food Court Bathroom Incident, shall we?"
Heero blushed deeply, but Duo just grinned. "Well, technically, it wouldn't be a repeat. After all, we aren't in a food court, now are we?"
Wufei groaned. "Maxwell, keep it in your pants."
Duo grinned wider. "Tell that to Heero." Heero practically spontaneously combusted in the seat next to Duo, averting his eyes to examine his half eaten pastrami.
"Just eat your sandwiches." Zechs huffed. "Was it really necessary to order six of them?"
Duo just rolled his eyes and started on his fourth sandwich: sauerkraut, jalapeños and mustard on honey oat.
Embarrassment forgotten, Heero eyed Duo's sandwich. "Duo, that is disgusting. I am NOT kissing you after that."
Sandwich poised midway between plate and mouth, Duo eyed Heero to gage how serious he was. Mind made up, he dropped his sandwich to his plate and practically tackled Heero.
"Guys, not here!" Zechs yelped indignantly.
Duo broke his barrage of kisses long enough to look at Zechs and say, "I have to make up for the time I'm going to lose after I eat my sandwich," before he returned to the activity at hand.
Trowa sighed dejectedly. "So, should we just start bringing lunch to work?"
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