Author: Gypsie1201

Pairing: 1x2

Rating: G

Warnings: None

Archive: Debs-Dragon - GW Diaries and Akira_1x2

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of its characters, nor will I make any money from the creation of this story.

Feedback: All is welcome and much appreciated.

Summary: What could Heero and Duo possibly be doing at a toy store on Christmas Eve morning?

Author's Note: A little christmas drabble I wrote for my wonderful, lovely, dear darkmisstical to try and cheer her up.

Of Toys and Elves

"Are you sure this is safe." Heero asked his companion as he carefully surveyed the area around him.

"Trust me, Heero." Duo grinned. "Would I ever lead you wrong?"

Instead of answering, Heero leveled a glare at his longhaired lover. He clearly remember the result of the last escapade he had allowed Duo to drag him into and it was those exact words that had sounding from that pouty mouth just before all hell broke loose. With one raised eyebrow, he waited for the other to retract his question.

"Ok, so maybe once, but it was only that one time." Duo said, blushing to the tip of his pointed ears as he too remembered what had happened that fateful day nearly one year ago. "I promise this time will be fine."

Sighing in resignation as Duo's eyes took on the pleading look he simply could never say no to, Heero turned his attention back to the building they were about to enter.

"Besides," Duo stated as he leaned in to tug Heero's baseball hat down a bit more before doing the same for his own. "if you hadn't broken that last toy, then we wouldn't even have to be here."

"It didn't work right."

"It worked fine, just not as well as you wanted it to." Duo countered before starting across the parking lot toward the large double glass doors that, at this time of year, were in constant motion. "Becky Taylor would've loved it just the way it was."

"The reaction time--"

"She's five, Heero. She doesn't care about reaction times."

"Still...." Heero said before trailing off. He knew his lover was right, but that still did not keep him from wanting each toy he made to be perfect.

"Come on, Heero. Let's just get this over with before the Big Guy find out. After last year, we're lucky he even allowed us out of his sight long enough to slip out. Although, the new security system he put on the sleigh sure made things a bit harder."

Shaking his head in dejection, Heero started out after Duo's quickly retreating form. Then, with growing dread in his heart and a lump forming in the pit of his stomach, he followed him through the glass doors into the crowded toy store.



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