Author: Gypsie1201

Pairings: 1x2

Warnings: Angst, Preventer-ness, Sap

Rating: PG

Archive: Debs-Dragon - GW Diaries and Akira_1x2

Feedback: All is welcome and very much appreciated.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of its characters, nor will I make any money from the creation of this story.

Written for hellfire_angel's request: GW, Heero/Duo, "You'd think it wouldn't be so hard after a time like that."

Summary: Clarity can come at the oddest hours.

3:27 AM

The red numbers on the alarm clock glare back at me as I continue to stare at them. I can clearly remember one a.m. as well as two. Three didn't even faze me and even as I watch, the last number changes yet again, now showing that it's three twenty seven in the morning. You'd think it wouldn't be so hard after a time like that. But I know better, it's never anything but hard watching you go down during a mission, especially knowing there's nothing I can do to help you.

We've been partners for Preventers for nearly six years now, starting just a few months following the Barton Incident and in all that time, we've each had our fair share of injuries. We've also spent our fair share of time in either the Preventers' infirmary or the hospital, depending on the extent of those injuries. But each time is like the first time for me and this time was no different.

The mission was supposed to be simple; Relena needed an escort to a charity function and Une had assigned us to the task. You had looked so handsome and smart in your issued tuxedo and I couldn't help but appreciate how well you and the Vice Foreign Minister had looked as you twirled her around the ballroom during one of the many dances she had conned you into. At the time, I'd only though, 'Better you than me,' and had laughed at your put out expression. But when things went south and the terrorist we had been assigned to protect her from decided to crash the party, it wasn't funny anymore.

You and Relena were alone on the floor for yet another waltz, it having just begun and the others not having had time to join in, when the glass windows to the west of the room suddenly blew inwards, peppering the guest with glass. Following the glass, a half dozen black-clothed and heavily armed men entered the room, their semi-automatics firing into the ceiling and bring the few guests still on their feet to the floor. I only had a second to make my move but as I passed through the doors out of the ballroom, I spared one quick look behind me just in time to see you going down on the floor, taking Relena with you. But I didn't pause even though all I wanted was to rush back in there and make sure you were all right. All I could do though was hope that you were just doing your job in protecting her and not for the one reason I feared.

The next fifteen minutes after that were the most excruciating in my life. I managed to locate two of Relena's regular security staff that had also escaped the ballroom and we made our way to the second floor, using one of the balconies over looking the room to survey the situation. As it turned out, beyond crashing the party, the terrorist didn't seem to have a solid plan of what to do next and we found the majority of them gathered near the broken windows arguing among themselves. I had forced myself to keep my eye on them as I formulated my own plan, knowing that if I let my eyes search the floor for you, it would've been too much of a distraction. So instead, I watched my targets and waited until the moment was right.

That moment came when the argument between them escalated and one of the men raised his weapon, shooting two of his comrades. With a quick look at the two, trained guards beside me, we rose from our hiding space, selected our targets, and picked them off quickly. Fifteen minutes following the beginning of the attack, the terrorist were down and it was with a sigh of relief that I watched the remaining security rush from their pinned position to insure they were completely disarmed. Only when I knew the situation was completely under control, did I allow myself to look for you. What I found though was Relena, sitting in the middle of the ballroom, with you cradled in her lap as she cried softly into your chestnut hair.

I don't even remember how I got down from the balcony after that. I could've very well jump for all I know, but in the next second, I was kneeling by your side and Relena's blue eyes were looking at me with such anguish and pity that I could hardly meet them.

"Heero..." she had whispered before shaking her head and pulling you closer to her chest.

It was then that I noticed the blood, on the floor as well as her blue dress. Your black tuxedo managed to hide the color well, but I knew from the amount I could see that you had lost a lot and were continuing to lose more as the seconds ticked by. Scrambling for your wrist, I'd pressed my fingers to the pulse point and for one, horrifying moment, I'd felt nothing. Then, almost too faint to feel, it was there. I'd quickly grabbed my radio from my pocket, calling for a medic before pulling you from Relena's arms and turning you over so I could apply pressure to your wound. I didn't let up until the paramedics arrived and practically pulled me from your still unresponsive body. And it was only after they had finally ushered you from the ballroom that I'd allowed myself to collapse.

That was two weeks ago and it was only a few hours ago that the doctors had finally allowed you to come home to our apartment. I have a feeling your constant griping and uncooperative attitude had a lot to do with it, but it could very well have been my inability to leave your side and the fact that I'd felt it necessary to growl at every nurse who even thought to flirt with you. Regardless of the reason, I'm just glad to have you home safe.

A soft sound echoing in the room draws my attention away from the clock and its eerily glowing numerals as I roll over to find you tossing your head in agitation in your sleep. Slipping closer, I carefully pull you into my arms, trying to soothe your dreams.

"Shh, Duo." I breathe into the top of your head while gently rubbing circles in the small of your back. It never ceases to amaze me how just one little touch from me can calm your dreams and nightmares, something we learned during the war. And just like always, you immediately settle back down into a deeper state of sleep, your soft sigh letting me know how much you appreciate it.

Behind me, the unheard tick of the clock signals that yet another minute has past in my all night vigil. Just by the nature of our jobs, I'm sure that this won't be the last time something like this happens to one of us. And next time, it might very well be you sitting here watching the clock and protecting my dreams. Just as long as were both here in the end, that's all that truly matters.



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