Doing so many pron and romance pics naturally pushed me over to mission pic mode. I really like how Heero and Duo turned out but background is errr... little sad (^o^;) I was doing this in hurry, wanted to finish this for tomorrow so I have something to put up as new top image for my website for December. But I already have some idea for the next mission type of pic so hopefully I will do better next time (^o^;)
Outfit and guns are inspired by the movie "Doom" (^o^;) I bought the DVD thinking it would make a good pic reference (outfit, weapons, settings, etc.), and it actually is! (^o^)
They are in "stand by" for Preventer mission... I am thinking airport shoot-out or something. It's really a piece of cake for them, they may be even talking about where to go get some dinner afterwards or something (^o^)/"
skylark92 wrote a fic "Blink" for this pic. Thank you! \(^____^)/