I read this fic "Hungry" by ClarySage quite a while ago and I just remembered it when I was looking for p r o n inspiration... Actually it is a little unusual one for me to be inspired with... I mean I am normally not into toys AT ALL! But this fic is just very erotically fluffy and cute, if that makes any sense at all (^o^;)
Well this fic actually had several p r o n scenes I like. But they are not continuous scenes so I am doing them separately. I am doing at least one more scene after this (or 2 but I am not sure yet), so here is just first scene I liked. Heero's first... solo time (*^o^*) I think it's only fitting that he gets to be all hot and disturbed since he didn't get to be in my last Vampire p r o n manga (^O^)
Also this time I am just doing pencil manga instead of inking/coloring. I think I like my p r o n left rather rough like this way, besides I can get it done a lot quicker \(^O^)/