Training Duo Part 1
No one had been more surprised than Duo and Heero to learn that Zechs Merquise ran a sex slave school. It was only under the name of Zechs, but Relena was listed as trainer in the school as well. It had taken a lot of discussion and research, but since it was the most recommended school, the lovers decided to give it a try.
Relena and Zechs motioned for their potential clients to sit down. They had been shocked when Heero Yuy and Duo Maxwell had requested an appointment. After showing them in and few moments of awkward silence, they waited for the pair to begin.
"Heero and I were wanting to expand our relationship and we thought this might be a possibility, but we both wanted more information first."
Relena sighed in relief before answering. She knew they were serious if they wanted to know more before insisting on training. "Well the first thing is that it has to be mutual. You both have to want this and be willing to commit to it. It will only create problems later on if you both don't want it. It will create intense feelings between the two of you. May I ask why you are interested in this type of love play?"
Duo glanced at Heero before receiving a slight nod to answer. "You know that Heero was exposed to harsh training methods to help him become the perfect soldier? Well now he's having difficulty letting down the barriers around his feelings in order for us to grow closer. It started out ok, but as his love for me grew, so to the loss of control, and now the barriers that we thought had been destroyed are re-emerging."
"So you think that having a master/slave relationship will help to bring down the barriers again?" asked Zechs.
"Yes. Heero needs to be in full control in order to fight back against his soldier training, and I trust him enough to give up my own control."
Zechs and Relena gave the pair a thoughtful look before Relena replied, "Well, I don't think we've ever faced a challenge like this before. Why don't we tour the facility and if it doesn't frighten you off, we will begin profiles on you."
Heero and Duo gawked at the sites within the school. Heero felt himself harden as he watched a plump-bottomed boy, who was strapped to a whipping horse, receive a firm spanking with a leather strap in the courtyard in full view of anyone who cared to watch. He could just see Duo in the same position as he reddened that firm bottom and then fucked it after it was thoroughly warmed.
Duo was trying to decide if he was turned on or disturbed by what he was seeing. He felt excited at the thought of Heero spanking him or using his body as he pleased, but he wasn't so sure if the liked the idea of submitting to others. He didn't mind the thought of being submissive to Heero or even the other pilots, but wondered if he would be able to obey the trainers in this place. This type of submission required a lot trust and there were very few people he trusted.
He decided to see how things went. If he found that he couldn't tolerate it, then he would tell Zechs and Relena and they could try to arrange for his and Heero's training to be together for the full duration.
After viewing the grounds, everyone retired to a study to discuss particulars. Heero and Duo were both amazed at all the profiles they had to fill out. Each one filled out a likes and dislikes list as well as what they liked and disliked about each other. Then, Relena and Zechs had made them talk out and choose what they both found interesting about what they saw while touring the school.
Lastly, they jointly filled out what Duo's slave training would entail. Limits were selected and agreed upon by all parties and training would begin in a week's time.
Duo and Heero talked over all aspects of the training during that week and Heero enrolled in a training school for masters that was next door to the slave school. He wanted to be sure he knew just how to treat Duo so that they both enjoyed the sex play to it's fullest. Heero would be training under Treize and Dorothy, although they should have been surprised at who was running the master's school, neither youth was.
The week passed quickly and both packed to go to the schools. They had told the other pilots that they would be away but not the full details of what they were doing. They were both looking forward to this new start and were anticipating the times when they would actually training together, but that would be after basic training was completed. They were ready to tackle the task ahead of them.
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