Author: Dena
Pairing: 1x2
Warnings: AU, OOC, Lemon
Rating: NC-17
Archives: DHML
Disclaimer: I don't own the guys, Bandai and Sunrise do.
Author's Note: I don't own the guys, Bandai and Sunrise do. This is an AU with some OOC. This is a belated b'day gift for my wonderful beta reader and friend Kitsune. She wanted something magical or mythical and she got mythical! It is 1x2 and does have a lemon in it so don't read it if that stuff offends you! Enjoy and let me know what you think!
Bride of War Prologue
The little girl skipped ahead of her grandfather as they approached the old temple. It was old and worn down and covered with a curtain of green moss.
"Grandpa, why is the temple worn down and deserted?"
"Child, that is the temple of the War God."
"But Grandpa, we don't have war anymore. We only have peace now."
"Yes little one, but it wasn't always like this. Once the world was filled with war. The War God was terrible and heartless. He loved only the battle."
"What happened grandpa? What changed him?"
"Simple my darling, he found love, and because he learned to love he no longer sought destruction."
"Tell me the story grandpa!"
"Well my little imp, it goes like this...
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