Darkness at Dawn Part 22
"Taking some time off, I see," a voice interrupted Noin's reading, and she looked up, startled.
The Mother Healer was smirking down at her.
Shutting her book hastily, Noin managed not to jump from her seat. "Just taking some time to relax the mind, Lady. It is easy to get overwhelmed right now."
"So it is," Sally replied, settling into a seat comfortably and waving for the princess to join her. "Yet you have all been performing admirably well. Even that little brother of yours."
Noin smiled indulgently. "He is young yet, Mother Healer, but he is smart and gifted. If anyone can pull through this, it will be Quatre."
Sally gave her a piercing look. "And you?"
"Me?" Noin shrugged. "I just want to see us get through this alive. I've read the history books. I know what we will face."
Sally suddenly reached across the table and took hold of Noin's wrist. "What if I told you that there was something special you could do to meet that aim?"
Noin's almost violet eyes had gone dark and angry, but quickly faded to curiosity. "Explain, Lady."
The Mother Healer released her arm and sat back, as though settling in for a long discussion. "I won't shelter you from it- you have all the makings of a psychic healer, Princess. Much like Iria was, or so I've been told. Duo will be able to tell you more."
Noin stared up at the older woman with wide eyes. "Iria was a Healer, as well? Why was this not recorded..."
Sally smiled. "A Mother Healer's identity is kept secret, unless she is direly needed, as I am right now. I am just a poor shadow of what she once was, but I endeavour to carry on her mission. What do you say?"
The princess stood quickly. "I must think on it. You will have my decision soon." She turned and left quietly, her book forgotten on the table.
Sally smiled to herself. "You've already passed the first test, girl, taking time to think, rather than jumping at the opportunity. Go ahead and ask your siblings- you already know what they will say." She picked up the book and began reading.
Eleven weary, disgruntled, soggy travellers glared up at a cheerful, blue sky, blinking in the brightness as their eyes stung. "Why couldn't it have just been sunny yesterday is all I want to know!" Lucas grumbled, his harsh tone belied by the way his face relaxed as he tilted it up into the sunlight, closing his eyes as warmth poured over his visage.
He opened then again and watched as Duo climbed up a large boulder and stood straight, his braid flapping in the high winds that buffeted his slim form. Holding his hands up near his face, the Dawnchild Lord let out a light, but piercing whistle, that echoed over the rocks and seemed to amplify as it went. It only took a few moments...
"Creeee!" The bird's voice rent the air as it swooped down and circled a now-smiling Duo once before landing on his out-stretched arm. Golden wings flashed brightly and the Dawnchild lord laughed. "Nice to see you, too."
Everyone except Trowa watched in bafflement as Duo proceeded to talk to the bird, chirping away as though he had been born to it. It was uncanny to see the eagle responding, but respond it did, and Wufei could have almost sworn he saw Cree smile at least once in the exchange.
"Off you go, then!" Duo gave a massive heave of his arm and the eagle took off with a cry, swooping over their heads playfully once before heading off into the sky.
The humans present stared as Duo seemed to float down from his perch, his smile spreading from ear to ear. "He'll be back in about an hour and we can start on our way."
"Haven't you been over these mountains before, sir?" Walker asked Duo, as they all sat down again.
The Dawnchild nodded, pulling off his pack to search its contents for something. "Yes, but it was a long while back, and we had a... problem, of sorts on the way across."
"What kind of 'problem', Duo?" Treize asked, with the beginnings of a smile.
The braided Dawnchild shrugged. "An ambush. We got out okay, but the pass didn't survive, I'm afraid."
"You call that a 'problem'?" Dorothy asked, with a laugh. Everyone turned to look at her- she was actually laughing- and was that a smile? Her eyes zeroed in on the braided Dawnchild, oblivious to the stares directed at her. "If that's just a little problem, then why aren't you Elementals simply clearing a way for us across?"
"And tell the world where we are. I don't think so. We've already been over this," Duo replied evenly.
She cocked an eyebrow. "Yes- and I have a question about that. Don't they already know where we are? Doesn't my presence give us all away?"
Lucas gestured to the amulet around her neck. "Not with that pretty trinket on, it doesn't."
She turned wide eyes around the group, but the humans seemed as clueless as she was, and the others were avoiding her eyes completely. Her gaze fixed on Heero. "Care to explain this, Angel?"
He looked up and met her gaze unflinchingly. "You were never given an amulet at birth, as all Dawnchildren are. In order to renounce the protection of your clan, you would have to smash it, as your mother did when she joined General Ramar's troops. Until then, you have been baptised back into your people, so to speak."
"My mother smashed hers?" Dorothy asked incredulously.
"And the General, as well?"
Duo answered this time, "No- his was taken away and smashed. He didn't deserve it anymore."
She looked into his violet eyes. "What about yours? I've never seen you wearing it..."
He opened the pocket of his tunic and pulled it out- a pure blue sapphire, encased in silver, the mark of his clan. "I keep it, but I suppose I didn't want to shame my clan by wearing it."
"Well, you're going to wear it now," Zechs said, grabbing it from the Dawnchild's hand with a speed that even Duo envied and tying the band around his throat.
Duo's hand flew to the gem in a gesture that must have been automatic to him at one point in time. It was such a reassuring feeling, the weight of it in his hand. "My thanks, Epyon."
"It's going to take a while to get used to that name," Zechs murmured, his eyes downcast.
Niles finally spoke, "You could have earned a worser name."
Heero's head came around, blue eyes narrowing on the Dawnchild as he spoke. What is it about him... He frowned sharply and grunted. "Worse yet, earn it and truly deserve it."
They all fell silent.
Cree was finding that Trowa Barton was one of the best conversationalists he'd ever met. The young man just seemed to understand, like so few humans, or even half breeds, could. Or even Dawnchildren, for that matter. In this, as in many other things, Duo was an original piece of work.
He glided to the next tree ahead of the scout and waited patiently for the young man to catch up. ~Getting over these mountains is going to be the least of your problems, you know.~
Trowa shot him a look. ~Truly? And why is that? Is the enemy army waiting for us on the other side, or something? Our resident Darkchild is going to murder us in our sleep?~
The bird squawked at the suggestions loudly. ~Don't be daft! The Angel knows what I mean- he's seen it happening, too.~
Trowa leapt up onto a boulder and sat down for a quick rest. ~What did you see? Please, tell me!~
~There is one among you who is having doubts. Whose many lives worth of beliefs are being challenged by the resurrection of Duo Maxwell as Duo and not as Shinigami. Though he would not act right now, he is reaching the breaking point, and he will be a serious threat right in your midst.~ Cree soared into the air to circle down and settle at Trowa's side. ~He does not understand why Duo does not wish to be Shinigami anymore. He blames you, the Elementals. And the Angel, too, of course.~
Trowa nodded his understanding. ~He was upset by Lord Zechs' elevation among his kind, as well.~ He spared the bird a close look. ~How can you tell all this?~
~He smells different. Even Dorothy doesn't have his odour of distrust. Be on your guard!~ Cree stretched his wings and took off without another word.
Trowa stared after the bird for a long moment before standing himself. I can't believe I'm actually taking advice from a bird so seriously!
He frowned as he continued along the path.
Roth bowed to the General, though his movements were still slightly stiff. "My Lord, our scouts think they might have found their track. Going into the mountains."
Ramar smiled but did not turn- his esquire was helping him into his armour as the camp outside readied to ride. "Excellent. The mountains, you say? I should think little Duo would remember... no. Nevermind. If they make it over the mountains, then we'll worry about them. Until then, we have an army to get moving."
Roth clenched his fists. "Sir, we still have many wounded and sick..."
"If they are meant to survive, they will, Captain. Don't second guess me again." Ramar nodded to his servant as the young Darkchild buckled his sword belt around his waist.
He finally turned and gave his lieutenant a look that was cold as ice. "Do you have a problem with that, Lord Roth?"
The other Darkchild felt the fear he had been trying to control go wild as those cold eyes met his, and he fought himself not to take a step backwards. Damn him! One day- one day he will regret the way he treats me... "No, my Lord. Forgive me for my lapse in good judgement." He bowed again, deeper this time.
By the time he straightened again, Ramar was gone with a tingle of armour.
Duo smiled as he stared deep into the dancing flames of a campfire. Reflected in the bright glow, Quatre Raberba's face stared back at him. ~I can't believe you're going over those mountains, Duo! Please tell me there's a rational reason for it that even a lowly human like me will understand...~
Duo smiled again and sent out a wave of calm to his cousin to settle his fears. ~Simple. It's dangerous enough that nobody and nothing else would risk it. That way the only dangers we have to worry about are the ones that are already here. Three passes coming out of the mountains- Ramar won't be able to find us, and we'll somehow beat him across the plains to Sandrock. Somehow.~
The blond couldn't help teasing his cousin a little, given that he knew he should have felt more uneasy that he did. It had to be Duo's interference! ~Don't even try to tell me you don't have it all planned out, cousin!~
~What?! Getting over these mountains in one piece will be enough of a challenge!~ Duo rolled his eyes and laughed, but Quatre caught a glimpse of the Dawnchild's unease in his eyes.
The blond fought off the wave of calm that had blanketed him and locked eyes with his by now bewildered cousin. ~Alright, stop trying to side-track me with your emoting and give me a straight answer! What on Earth could possibly be in those mountains? That wasn't just an ambush, like you claimed it was, was it?~
Duo shook his head unhappily. ~An ambush, yes, but by two separate, unrelated forces. These mountains suffer from a slight Troll infestation, that's all.~
~A 'slight Troll infestation', cousin? Care to explain that?~
Duo grinned quite suddenly. ~They're even smart and tricky. They like to hunt in small groups. But they won't catch us, so don't worry.~
Quatre arched an eyebrow in disbelief. ~And why is that, Lord Maxwell?~
~Because your Trowa is listening, and he would know, that's why.~ Duo's grin only got wider as a flush spread over the young King's cheeks. ~What? Did you think I didn't know? I was there, kinsman, I introduced you two.~
Quatre blushed a nice shade of pink. ~You've been listening in, haven't you? Remind me to tell Trowa about scrying stones, sometime...~
Duo's image laughed warmly, and Quatre let the Dawnchild's happiness infuse his mind. ~No one is that fascinated by dying coals, cousin. And I did not listen in! I asked, and the fire sprites told me.~
~Same difference, Duo.~ Quatre smiled fondly, though. It felt good to know that his cousin approved. Although why the opinion of someone he had never met in the flesh should matter was beyond him!
"Done tormenting your cousin yet?"
Duo shot the angel a look as he spread his blankets right next to him. "Is there anything you don't overhear, Angel-friend?"
Heero turned to face the Dawnchild and propped himself up on an elbow to watch as Duo pulled his tunic off over his head, smiling. "Give them their privacy, Duo! Would you want them listening in on our silent conversations?" As Duo stretched, still standing, Heero grabbed hold of the blanket and pulled it over to himself.
Duo looked down to give a response, but his words fell short when violet eyes fell on the now-grinning Angel. "I hope you're planning on sharing that."
Heero managed an innocent look. "It will be cold up here tonight- we should conserve body heat."
The Dawnchild's smile made Heero gasp for air as Duo slowly lay down and crawled under the blankets until their bare chests were pressed together. "This is nice, Angel. A much better arrangement..."
Heero shushed him by placing a finger over his lips. "Every word you say leaks heat away, Duo," he murmured, strong arms closing around the Dawnchild's body and pulling him close. "Wasting a valuable resource."
Duo whimpered as warm, sweet lips closed over his own and melted into the Angel's embrace. Skin pressed against skin as the two immortals clung to one another, hands roaming freely.
Duo pulled back regretfully, though, and ran his hands over Heero's face, as though trying to memorise it by feel alone. "Everyone can see and hear us here, Angel," he whispered in his own language.
Heero sighed and nuzzled at the Dawnchild's neck. "I know. Doesn't mean I like it." He ran his tongue over the Dawnchild's collarbone, drawing a shiver and ill-concealed moan from the being in his arms.
"Guardians, Heero! Don't tease..." Duo's words faltered as Heero abruptly dove under the blankets, his clever lips tracing down over Duo's chest, tongue leaving a wet ribbon of ecstasy behind him. The Dawnchild hastily stuffed the end of his braid in his mouth to hold back his moans as lips parted and a hot mouth engulfed a nipple, sucking at it delicately.
The angel felt a thrill running through him as Duo stopped trying to hold back and long-fingered hands buried themselves in his hair, holding him closer against the Dawnchild's warm, solid chest. He couldn't get enough of the taste of Duo- every small movement, each tiny whisp of sound that made it past the braid drove him on, slowly fanning his inner desire until his rational mind held no sway over him anymore.
Duo gasped, his eyes flying wide open, as hands worked the fastenings of his britches and pushed them down. His hands fisted in the blankets- Heero's lips were trailing down over his taut stomach, his tongue dancing over heated skin, and the Dawnchild was powerless to fight the sensations bursting in his mind, the building heat...
The angel paused in his explorations as he realised just what he was doing- one hand was stroking Duo's awakened desire, the other pressed tight against the braided creature's stomach to hold him down. There were small beads of liquid at the tip of the Dawnchild's organ, and he licked at them curiously, wondering-
His actions drew a startled moan from the other, and he smiled as he tried it again, tentatively wrapping his lips around the Dawnchild's erection and exploring it with his tongue.
Duo moaned and tried in vain to keep the sound down. It felt too good, too mind-blowing and incredible, too...
Heero's tongue teasingly danced down his length, and Duo's entire body shivered as he struggled to hold back. A harsh whisper broke free, "Angel, you're killing me, dear Guardians..."
A reply- "Love you."
Violet eyes opened wide as the words registered, and he cried out, unable to hold it back as he came, his essence spilling into Heero's waiting mouth as his head spun in nirvana, hands clutching at his own braid tightly as wave after wave of pleasure flooded his senses.
He was still breathing hard as Heero crawled back up his body and nuzzled his jaw. His lips parted for the angel's questing tongue, and he felt a smile growing as he realised what the slightly bitter taste on his lover's lips was. "Heero... Dear Lord, Heero..."
The angel's laugh graced his ears. "I take it you enjoyed that, as well?"
Heero's heart forgot to beat as deep violet eyes opened and bored into his, endless wells of heat. "I love you, too. I don't care if it's wrong. I love you, Heero Yuy."
"It isn't wrong- He told me that," Heero whispered, brushing Duo's bangs back out of his eyes and kissing his forehead. "Nothing that feels this good should be wrong."
As Duo giggled, though, he felt a wave of unease. "What is it?" he whispered.
The eyes that met his were glinting with mirth. "I, um... you know that nasty habit of mine of emoting my feelings?"
"Oh, dear."
Neither Wufei nor Treize knew where it came from. Not that either of them really cared much, anyway.
Treize was running his hands over the firm flesh of the Captain's backside, fingers trailing gently down between the muscled globes as he teased his partner mercilessly. "Say you like that, Chang."
Wufei was beyond responding. He could feel the other man's finger trailing down over him, slicked with his own essence, teasing at him so intimately, lips covering his own, drugging him into a sensual haze, an insistent hardness pressed against his stomach...
He moaned as a finger entered him. "Guardians, Treize..."
"Yes?" Silken lips trailed over his jaw and back down over his chin as a second finger joined the first.
Wufei felt the Water Lord's fingers brush up against something inside of him and nearly yelped in surprised excitement. "We're in such a public place..."
"Heero and Duo didn't seem to mind. Why should we?"
A third finger pressed into him, and Wufei couldn't help thrusting his hips to meet the invasion. "Good point. Mmmm," he panted, his eyes rolling back into his head as those fingers brushed up against the right spot repeatedly. "Stop teasing me, dammit..."
"As you wish." Wufei howled silently in pleasure as he felt Treize shifting over him, his hardness poised at the smaller man's entrance. And then the powerful shifting of muscles as Treize slowly pushed into him, inch by agonising inch. "Ahhh, Wufei," he hissed, his breath coming out in a gush as he struggled to keep his movements slow, giving the other time to adjust to the feeling of his length inside of him.
Wufei's hands clenched on Treize's arms at the slight pain, but it quickly gave way to pleasure as he forced his body to relax and accept it. The body looming over his was all hard, warm muscle and silky smoothness, sliding heat and friction, power...
Strong hands caught Wufei's wrists and held them tightly to the ground as he continued his thrusts at an ever maddening pace, leaning down to claim Wufei's lips in a hard kiss. It felt too good, too hot...
"Treize please..."
The larger man loosened his hold on Wufei's wrists to wipe stray strands of hair from the Captain's face. "Please what, love?"
"Dear Lord in Heaven, touch me..."
Wufei bit down on his lip hard to keep from screaming in dazed pleasure as Treize's hand wrapped around his hardness and pumped harshly. He thrust mindlessly into that hand, pleasure building in his mind and body...
"Come for me, Wufei," Treize whispered in his ear, lips moving to cover his-
Wufei's scream of completion was muffled by Treize's lips, and the ginger-haired man shuddered hard as he felt the heat and pressure surrounding him tighten that much more, the wetness on his hand... With a strangled cry, he, too, came, deep within his partner.
Both were panting hard as they collapsed together in a sweaty, sated heap of limbs. Regaining his breath, Wufei laughed lightly, trailing his hand through Treize's hair. "Do you think we woke anyone up?"
Treize smiled against his lover's skin. "Don't know. Hope they enjoyed it, if we did."
~Yes- sorry about that. But you didn't seem to mind, much...~
Treize growled a little as his arms closed around his slighter partner. "Maxwell..."
A light laugh echoed in their minds, and both men smiled as sleep stole over their senses.
Trolls, as everyone knew, were some of the most despicable creatures on the planet. Those that were fabled to live in the Mikar Mountains had been known to be the worst of the lot, though, a reputation that Duo Maxwell himself had enhanced by his tales of the ill-fated expedition over said mountains that had decreased his forces by half.
They were not overly-large creatures, but they were constructed like boulders, powerful boulders with sharp, wicked minds. Not only that, but they were long-lived. So much so that, among the elders of this particular band, there were at least two who recognised the braided figure walking alongside his fellows from a long ago battle...
The one with the braid had done them much damage. He was strong, yes, but this was a small group, not the army they had faced last time. And as last time, they would have the advantage of a surprise attack.
The braided one would never see them coming.
Smiling to itself, the Troll Elder raised a horn to his lips and blew.
Duo started awake with a hard jolt, and violet eyes immediately scanned the area around them, oblivious to how the angel, who had been safely snuggled in his arms, followed him to wakefulness. "I know those horns..."
He could see the other stirring as well in the dim half-light of the rising sun, and he struggled to his feet, reaching for his boots with hurried, jerking movements. "Hurry, friend-Heero. We don't have any time to lose."
"What is it?" Heero asked, pulling on his shirt and over-tunic quickly.
Trowa appeared seemingly out of the air by their sides, wiping sleep from his eyes. "I heard a horn sounding..."
Duo nodded. "Yes, as did I. We must wake the others, and swiftly!" Trowa nodded and disappeared again.
The Dawnchild turned back to the angel and gave a soft smile, tempered by a slight wave of apprehension. "That was a troll horn, Heero. We've been spotted."
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