Darkness at Dawn Part 16

It could see them far below- it never failed to amuse the dragon, how these puny creatures ran from him in fear...

His amusement was cut short as two figures broke from the main group and walked out towards him calmly, fiery auras flaring to life about them. Who were these creatures to dare to stand in His presence? He would devour them whole, burn them to cinders, smash them to small bits and pulverise them... His hatred and anger ignited within, and the great dragon opened its jaws in a scream of defiance and blood-curdling terror for those below...

His eyes glinted darkly as fire belched forth in scalding, unavoidable waves of destruction...

The violet flash startled him badly, so much so that he almost smashed into the trees below him in his amazement. What had happened? His fire, gone...

"I COMMAND YOU TO STOP!" a voice yelled up at him, and he shook with the effort of disobeying it- he hadn't felt such power thrown at him in well over one thousand years. And something told him that it was just the beginning of what this puny creature was capable of! He opened his jaws again-

"ENOUGH!" The fires of his soul died deep within him, and the dragon was forced to circle again as he contemplated it. What was this menace that his fire could not harm? No matter- he had other weapons in his arsenal.


Duo tensed as he saw the dragon coming around for a last time. "He's going to land, Trowa! We must be ready!" Deathscythe glowed a deadly, but muted, green in his hand.

The green eyed Elemental nodded, drawing his own blade. It was still disconcerting to let his energy flow as part of what he was, but he was getting used to it. But a dragon... what good will these swords be? Guardians above, please say he has more of a plan than 'jump on him and let him have it...'

Meanwhile, the Dawnchild Lord was trying to concentrate, desperately reaching for something inside of him. I can do this! It can only make me stronger, and he said it was in me... He could feel it, somewhere just beyond his senses, something bigger and greater than anything he'd ever felt before...

His eyes flew open, gleaming wildly in his face as the sword in his hand began to flicker, the violet of his aura dancing in sparks down the blade. He could feel something flickering on his senses, but it was still too vague...

"Duo, look out!" He jerked to awareness as the giant beast's tail swung at him. The Dawnchild yelped as he broke into a dead run and leapt into the air-

The dragon felt his anger growing- the Dawnchild had evaded him! The creature had dared to prolong this experience, when he was finally working up a good hunger-

~You will stop attacking if you wish to live. ~ The words echoed in its brain as the Dawnchild landed safely out of his reach, and the great head came around so that slitted eyes could focus on the other figure-

~Will you disobey the wishes of two Elemental Lords? We will destroy you if you fight us! ~ Between Trowa's hands, a glowing spot of pure elemental energy began to form, glowing bright green, like the intense aura that surrounded him. The dragon was vaguely aware that his other target, the Dawnchild, had drawn up in a similar posture, only the fire glowing in His hands was...

He was afraid of that fire.

Dawnchild and half-breed breathed a sigh of relief as the beast hung its head in defeat.

It watched them closely as they approached, auras bright like small stars around them, in particular around the Dawnchild, and growled deep in its chest. ~Come any closer, and I will rip you to shreds. ~

Trowa put out a hand to halt Duo in his tracks. "We can say whatever needs to be said from here, friend-Duo. It might attack, otherwise."

"Did it say as much?"

Trowa nodded and turned back to the eyes that were focused on them. ~Who sent you here? ~

Steam wafted from its nostrils. ~Why should I tell you a thing, mortal? ~

Trowa's eyes narrowed. ~Because if you don't, the Fire Lord might lose his patience. Does the name Shinigami mean nothing to you? ~

The slitted eyes focused solely on Duo, and the Dawnchild fought to maintain a calm face. I really wouldn't taste that good... Even I won't be able to move fast enough...

Both Elementals were shocked as the beast lifted its head and addressed them in a rumbling voice, "Shinigami is dead- you are not he. But you are powerful, I'll give you that."

Duo felt his heart racing- it was actually talking to them! "You are wrong, Wyrm. I still live, and I have grown stronger than you can possibly imagine."

Its laughter chilled their hearts and shook the ground at their feet. "So you say, Fire Lord. Damn you- I am not permitted to challenge you to single combat to verify it!"

Trowa raised an eyebrow, but never took his eyes off the beast. "Why not? What holds you back, Wyrm?"

It stamped one great, clawed foot in annoyance. "You have much to learn, Earth Lord, of Elemental magic. Fine- I will not harm your party, if you command me not to."

"I do," Duo responded with a toss of his head, "and I also command you to reveal the name of he who sent you to me."

It growled deep in its chest again. "General Ramar's lieutenant, Roth."

Duo nodded. "Very well- remind me to thank him, someday."

Trowa turned to his companion in shock. "What on Earth for?"

Duo smiled. "He gave me a pet dragon. Quite kind of him, actually."

Trowa stared outright as Duo sheathed the long sword in his hand and walked forward to place one hand on the beast's outstretched leg. "I name you... Solo. Do you accept?"

It nodded its head. "So be it, Dawnchild. Solo will I be."

Duo smiled. "There are enemy soldiers prowling the woods on the other side, looking for us. If you still want dinner, they are yours."

Trowa was chilled to see the dragon smiling, and grinned himself as he heard the beast's thoughts in his head- ~Maybe this can work out for me, after all. ~ He scrambled back as giant wings unfurled and the beast took to the air, giving one last howl before it seemed to disappear.

Duo immediately began to shake. "Friend-Trowa, please come here."

He was immediately at the Dawnchild's side. "What's wrong?"

Duo's violet eyes glinted in amusement and embarrassment. "I could have sworn he was going to eat me. I never want to get that close again!"

Trowa laughed- it was nice to see that even Duo Maxwell could feel ordinary fear! "What was that, anyway?"

Duo turned them to begin walking back to the others, who were rushing towards them. "By giving him a name, I claimed him. He is now beholden to me and will do my bidding."

Trowa shook his head. "A pet dragon- fitting, somehow. I want one, now, as well!"

Duo didn't have the time to respond before they were surrounded by chattering people. In a way, he was glad of it. The encounter had given him plenty to think over.

Something took hold of his hand and squeezed gently, and Duo smiled fondly. To have the Angel's help in this... thank all the Guardians above for him! Heero... He leaned on the Angel's shoulder gratefully.

He could get used to having someone to count on like this! He was really beginning to love it.


Ramar's face darkened in anger. "You sent a fire-breathing dragon after the Elemental Lord of Fire?! Is there something loose in your head? Didn't you even stop to think about what you were doing?! By Everything That is Dark and Evil! Can you possibly be that stupid?!"

Roth fought to control his fear- he was literally lucky to still be breathing, after making such a stupid mistake! But he gulped as Ramar wheeled to look at him, rage glowing in his amber eyes. "Good though you are, young one, you have yet to learn what it means to displease me by your own experience. Maybe it is time, now..."

All over the camp, heads came up and soldiers shuddered as a high, piercing scream tore through the air.

Ramar smiled as he watched the brave young Darkchild in front of him twitching with the after-effects of the pain. "Did you enjoy that? That was just a teaser, Roth," he taunted, as his hands came up again.

Another scream was torn from Roth's throat as pain as sharp, hot and piercing as a bolt of lightning hit him square in the forehead and burned its way through him. Dear Guardians, please! I swear, my Lord, I will never fail you again! I swear it...

The pain vanished abruptly, and Roth was left twitching and panting for air on the ground, too weak to even push himself up to a sitting position. A foot nudged him in the side, and he groaned brokenly. He could sense Ramar kneeling near him- "Pain, my friend, is a tool to be used and understood. Let me make myself very clear. If you ever do something so stupid again, I will make what you just felt feel like a garden party. You will beg me to let you die, and everyone will see how pathetically weak you are!

"Remember that, fool," he hissed darkly. "You will not be given another chance after this." A sharp kick was delivered to his side as Ramar stood and left as quickly as possible.

He coughed and groaned as someone came in and rolled him onto his side. "My Lord Roth! You are alive..."

His head stung, but he forced his body to work and sat up weakly, leaning against whoever was supporting him. "By some strange chance of fate, yes." He shuddered and nearly cried out with the pain as hands lifted him to his feet.

As he was basically dragged to a medical tent, Roth seethed inwardly. He could feel his hatred blooming in his chest, and strangely enough, he knew that it was exactly what Ramar wanted from him. He calls me weak, and yet he pines after that human...

He sat mutely as his wounds were treated, but his mind whirled. You have made a mistake, Ramar. I am not Dorothy- I will not stand for this treatment. The day will come when you will regret what you have done this day.


They were finally all seated in Niles' green tent-house, relaxing back into the brightly-coloured cushions that were strayed around the glowing fire. Duo spared it a tired glance and waved his hand absently- flames danced among the coals, and heat bathed their tired faces. Giving it a satisfied glance, the Dawnchild sank back into his cushion and closed his eyes.

Treize, however, was eyeing the one called Barton, who had accompanied them in and was now seated on the opposite side of his brother. Tired though he was, he needed to know! "Trowa, um... are you feeling up to talking?"

The green eyed half breed let a small smile grace his face as he leaned back comfortably. "Even if I wasn't, brother, I owe you an explanation." He noted how even Duo's eyes popped open in curiosity, and he nodded to himself.

Trowa stared into the flames and began to speak at length. "I was born with the name Trowa Barton- my family was part of a wandering tribe, you might say. Half breeds- though I don't look it at all, there were others in our band in whom the blood ran truer who were unwelcome in most society and on both sides, human and Dawnchild. My own family- my mother was a half breed, and I am but a quarter."

He looked up and smiled as he found that all eyes were on him, his companions listening with rapt attention. "We kept in contact with some people on both sides- my mother's father, a Dawnchild by the name of Decart, tracked us down often, through the fire..."

"My brother," Barton whispered, his eyes going vague in sudden pain as he considered. "He was my brother..."

Trowa turned to him in alarm. "Was?! What hap..."

"No, wait!" Wufei interrupted gently. "Please finish your story first- we have to know!"

The green-eyed Earth Lord sighed in acceptance. "Very well. I was six in human years when our band was attacked- I never found out who the attackers were. All I knew was that my sister had used her last bit of strength and sacrificed herself so that I could live. She tossed me into the river and it bore me away from the ravaged campsite. I never saw any of them again." He was completely still for another moment, the strain evident on his face.

His voice began again, smooth and low. "You, Treize, found me about two weeks later, and adopted me. I was scared, you know. I had always been told that even our family name was not to be mentioned, since we were tainted. But I couldn't... I didn't see what was wrong with what I was! And how was it my fault that I wasn't really like everyone else..."

Barton reached out a hand to his great-nephew's shoulder. "It was never your fault, boy. That's how you got away- we searched for you for days! Your grandfather- he felt it immediately when your camp was attacked, and he took several of us with him to search for you... All the others we found- but not you."

Treize's presence was warm and comforting on his other side. "I'm so sorry, brother! I never knew..."

"I didn't tell you," Trowa interrupted him in a soft voice, "you couldn't have known. I haven't used the name Barton since then."

Everyone fell silent then- what was one supposed to say, in the face of such a story?

"So... what about that dragon?" Zechs asked, as the silence became too heavy to bear.

Duo forced his eyes to open and shared a small smile with Trowa, who was glad to leave the talking off to someone else. "Solo- his name is Solo, now. He's mine."

The blond gave him a look of complete incomprehension. "He's... yours?"

The Dawnchild Lord nodded. "Elemental Magic at work, Zechs. I am the Master of his element, so he owes me his allegiance. The person who sent him to us must have overlooked that little fact."

He could feel Heero's low chuckle rumbling in his chest. "You knew it going into the fight, too, you dolt! You could have at least told us!"

Duo shook his head. "Not enough time before he began eating innocent people, Angel. Besides, he's a dragon. They don't always... observe Elemental Law."

Trowa sputtered. "You might at least have told me! Ugh! You needed me to talk to him for you?!"

Duo laughed, and the sound made all present breath easier. "I didn't want to face it alone! Would you want to face a dragon without backup? Would you?"

"You could have taken me with you," Heero intoned lightly, with a raised eyebrow.

Duo 'hmphed' to that. "You could have been hurt, Angel."

Wufei choked on a laugh, and the Dawnchild shot him a look. "What is it?"

The Air Lord simply shook his head. "You two- you're too cute for your own good."

"Hn. Unlike you two, I suppose?" Trowa challenged, waving his hand in the air to point out how close Treize and Wufei were sitting to each other.

Wufei had the grace to blush slightly in response, as everyone else present tried to smother their smiles.


It was very late before everyone finally dropped off deep enough into sleep so that Heero could sneak out of the tent-house. He paused in the doorway to look back- his gaze fell upon the softly sleeping form of Duo Maxwell, and a pensive frown creased his forehead. He slipped out into the night.

He walked a good distance before stopping in a small clearing. He took a deep breath of the cold night air and closed his eyes-

White light flooded the clearing as he slipped into his true form, soft wings breaking from his back to arch gracefully towards the forest floor. He opened his eyes again and smiled at how good it felt.

He lifted his eyes to the heavens and made the Call.

The answer was almost immediate- a shot of light coming straight down to the ground in front of him. Heero bowed his head in reverence as the light shimmered and a face began to show in it. "Greetings, my son."

He looked up and was unable to hold back the joyful tears that slid down his cheeks. "My Lord... I was afraid you would not hear me..."

The face smiled at him, but Heero could see some sort of disquiet hiding in their serenity. "I hear everything, child, though I may not always respond. What is troubling you?"

The Angel wrung his hands nervously- was it that obvious?

The face smiled again. "Not obvious except to me, my son. Tell me."

Heero bowed his head. "I... I think I am screwing up, My Lord. I have allowed myself to develop... feelings for... for Duo. I'm becoming too emotionally involved, and I can't help how I feel when I'm around him..."

"And how does this constitute 'screwing up', my son?" the voice asked softly.

Another tear made its course down Heero's cheek. "Because it will hurt him when I have to leave, sir. He has lost enough already- he doesn't need to lose me as well, if I let this happen."

The face was sad and sympathetic as Heero looked up again. "And it will hurt you, too, I know. You will find, my son, that there are some things over which even I do not have power, and love is one of them. Trust in me and go where your heart leads you. Follow your emotions- they will not lead you wrong."

Heero's eyes went wide in shock. "You mean... it is allowed?"

He felt a bolt of happiness running straight through him as the face before him smiled and he heard the Lord's laugh. "Love is the greatest emotion of them all, my son. Happy are those who find it, and even happier those who never let it go. Farewell!"

He stared at the spot for a long time as the words repeated themselves in his mind. ~Love is the greatest emotion of them all, my son. Happy are those who find it, and even happier those who never let it go. Follow your emotions- they will not lead you wrong...~

The white light around him faded slowly as he changed back to his human form. Smiling slightly as he turned, Heero headed back towards camp in silence.

~Follow your emotions- they will not lead you wrong...~



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