Darkness at Dawn Part 13

He was so warm and comfortable... It was a shame to wake up, and yet he could feel the approaching dawn. They would not have a second to lose during daylight hours, if they wanted to live to meet Quatre Raberba.

Duo Maxwell snapped awake as reality poured into his mind- the battle, Ramar's disappearance, making it back out to the others, untouched... With a half sob, he tried to sit up-

What he belatedly realised was a set of arms tightened around him as he tried to move. "No- please don't," Heero's voice said softly, somewhere close to his ear.

The Dawnchild turned his head- bright blue eyes stared into his own from no more than four inches away. Heero's arms tightened around him again. "I'm glad you're okay."

Duo snorted, even though his heart gave a strange extra beat in his chest. "He let me win- I wasn't good enough, Angel..."

"Shh- don't say that!" Heero quieted him gently. "Thinking like that won't help anyone. Without you, we would all have died on that field."

There was a moment of empty silence before the Dawnchild fixed the angel with an inquisitive stare. "Heero, do you think it's possible... that we should make it to the East?"

A pit of cold worry opened in Heero's stomach at the words. Was Duo really that shaken by what happened on the battlefield? He gave it a moment's thought. "That depends. Why do you think he had such an advantage over you?"

Duo's eyes clouded over with guilt and shame as he broke their eye contact to stare up into the sky. "He beat me... And I let him do it. I nearly gave in, Angel, and became... that which I never want to be again."

"I let him do it." Does he really know what he's saying? Please, Lord, say he doesn't, not yet! "But you didn't."

Duo shook his head, his eyes still focused on some unknown point. "No."

Heero cocked his head to the side. "What stopped you, then? Why not?"

The violet-eyed creature turned his head to look at the angel again, this time in confusion. "You did. You said... you told me to think of you when it got to be too much, and I did."

Heero couldn't have resisted a small smile had he wanted to, and he carefully brushed some of Duo's hair back from his face as he moved closer to the Dawnchild. Could the key to it be as simple as that? "And did that give you the strength you needed, Dawnchild?"

Duo nodded mutely, and Heero continued, "Then don't despair. There is power in us all to survive and do what we have to do- as long as we use the proper motivations. Don't let hatred guide you!" Leaning in even closer, the angel brushed his lips against those of the Dawnchild Lord.

Duo was smiling as they pulled back, and Heero felt it breaking over him like a sunrise. They sat up in the slowly lightening gloom of early morning, Duo stretching his arms over his head in a long, lazy movement before he took the time to look around.

The smile abruptly vanished from his face. Of the mass of soldiers and townspeople left in New Port City only a day before, this small band was presumably all that remained. The four Elemental warriors, the Angel, the Darkchild, Lord Zechs, Walker and one other soldier, Otto. It made him sick to think of how many lives had been lost already. Frowning, he stood, his back straight almost in defiance of it all...

A hand came down on his shoulder, and Duo spun- Treize stood at his side, sharp blue eyes scanning through the trees surrounding their camp. "How are you feeling?"

The Dawnchild managed another small smile. "I've been both better and worse, friend Treize."

The ginger-haired man broke a small smile. "Yes- he's talking in riddles again! You'll be right as rain in no time."

Duo impulsively reached out and hugged the tall Water Lord. "We all will be."


Noin woke with a start to find a small, red creature sitting next to her, grinning to show a generous mouthful of crooked teeth. It hopped to its feet as she sat up and threw a skinny set of arms around her neck in a hug- she naturally reached to hug it back, a smile gracing her face as she felt the backwash of joy coming from the small sprite. "Lord Duo must have sent you to me, am I right?"

The small thing nodded, its grin getting even wider at the mention of the Dawnchild. Noin continued. "I bet he's worried about my idiotic brother, isn't he?"

The sprite's smile dimmed somewhat as he nodded again and sprung from his place next to her to a small candle brazier, waving its hands over it until flames sprung to life and danced brightly. Noin edged closer, intrigued.

The sprite waved to be certain it had her attention before leaning over the flames and staring into them intently. The Princess nodded- she understood that she was to mimic its actions. Making sure to clear her mind, she looked into the flames.

A face took shape in the flames, and Noin smiled as she realised who it had to be- she, too, had read Iria's writings. Greetings, Duo Maxwell.

And to you, Lady Noin, he answered, with a small nod of greeting. Tell me, how does Quatre?

Her gaze became troubled. He is still asleep, though apparently no longer in pain. What exactly happened?

Duo's eyes burned in his face. Ramar felt his presence and tried to sever the tie between his spirit and his body. Very dangerous.

Noin couldn't help agreeing. And if he had succeeded?

Duo's face was grim in the flames. He would have died instantly on the physical plane, but his spirit would have been left to roam free, unguarded. Let's not even think of what Ramar might have thought of to torture him, then. He... Duo seemed to hesitate for a moment. He will be fine, and the Mother Healer should be there soon, if he doesn't wake up before then.

Noin smiled as she felt a wave of reassurance breaking over her, and washing some of her tension away. Will your band be okay? How many are you?

Nine for now. The other Elementals, myself, the Angel, Lord Zechs, the Darkchild, and...

Noin's eyes bulged from her face. A Darkchild! But Duo... why?

Violet eyes gleamed. I asked the same question when we captured her, but I came to realise... She has some other role to play in this story, as yet. She remains under my protection. With your leave, of course, to bring her into your country.

Noin stared- he was actually asking for permission? Of course! We will trust your judgement, but...

He smiled at her. I understand your concerns, and I will vouch for her. Is that enough?

Noin smiled back. Of course, Cousin.


Ramar cursed as he surveyed his army. "Damn Maxwell! Why he couldn't just die, like he should have..."

That made him pause to think. Shinigami should have died that day... so why didn't he? For that matter, what did it mean, that the little shit would have allied himself with the Elemental warriors, and who had that last one been, the one who he had faced while Duo retreated, like a coward...

A voice calling his name roused Ramar from his thoughts. As interesting as the puzzle was, he had more pressing immediate concerns to worry about.

Duo Maxwell would simply have to wait.


Quatre's first waking thought was that his head had never hurt this badly in his entire life.

Sunlight was pouring into his room from an open window, and the young King squinted in pain as it registered on his sensitive eyes. A voice clucked in disapproval from next to the bed. "You'll get used to it, boy, never worry."

He turned his head- he had only ever seen the woman sitting at his side through the fire or on the Dream Road- Sally was wearing the formal robes of a Mother Healer, with her hair pulled back into glistening twists that fell over her shoulders. She spoke again, "What in all the hells did you think you were doing?"

Quatre winced. "I deserve that, I know. Are they okay?"

Sally seemed to relax a little. "They will be. They all survived, if that's what you mean. All nine of them."

Nine? By the Guardians! So many dead... Quatre paled as his head sank back onto his pillow. "I can't believe so many people died..."

Sally's eyes glittered urgently. "And that's not the worst, young man. You haven't asked how it ended yet."

The two locked gazes before she continued, "Your cousin used the Flame of Judgement, Quatre. The enemy... was decimated, though he will no doubt regroup as quickly as possible, and Duo... If it were any other person..."

"Poor Duo!" Quatre whispered, his mind reeling from the information. He understood the Dawnchild's logic- it was more humane to kill them instantly, as he did it, rather than letting Ramar's Darkchildren play with them and torment them first. All the same, he could not imagine having that many lives on his soul. His voice sank low as he asked, "How does Duo, then?"

Sally's gaze softened as she read the young King's mind. "He'll be alright. Between using that spell and trying to protect you, he used up a dangerous amount of energy. Stupid boy!"

Quatre relaxed back into his pillows, a frown marring his features. "They all warned me to leave, and I didn't listen. I was so stupid!" He pounded the mattress with a fist as his eyes flashed, only seconds later closing them in frustration as a wave of dizziness overcame him.

Sally's forehead was creased in concern as she looked over the young King. "We knew that we would lose that battle, young one. Try not to think about it too much until you're stronger. Until your cousin gets here."

Quatre snorted and shot her a glare. "That will take weeks, Mother Healer. I refuse to stay in bed that long!"

She laughed- a ringing sound that, to Quatre, at least, seemed completely out of place. "Of course not, fool! We have too much to do... and much to prepare for, both good and bad. Duo will hopefully contact us soon."

Quatre allowed himself to relax again, but his eyes were troubled as they strayed out the window to the falsely beautiful sunshine outside. "I hope he does. We have a lot to talk about."


Dorothy was very careful to stay near Duo.

Though everyone's spirits had been raised by the Dawnchild's presence, Lord Zechs had still yet to speak a word to anyone since leaving the battlefield the day before, and his two soldiers, Otto and Walker, glared at the Darkchild whenever she dared to make a sound. She watched the tall blond as he walked, just ahead of her- his long hair was pulled back into a messy, loose ponytail, and he walked like a wounded man, his shoulder hunched and each step heavy, as though he were carrying massive stones on his shoulders, leading his horse through the surrounding trees with jerking, stiff movements that clearly set the animal on edge.

In contrast, Duo strode along swiftly to her right, his head held high, braid swinging easily with each move he made. She looked away quickly as she realised he had caught her looking at him, angered by his amusement.

She stumbled, and flinched as a hand shot out to steady her. She turned automatically to find Treize at her side, and jerked her arm free. "Don't touch me!"

He gave her a suave look. "I will let you fall next time, if you prefer it, Lady."

She ducked her head, suddenly ashamed of her reaction. "I'm sorry- that was rude," she mumbled.

She looked up again- Wufei was on her other side. "Damned straight it was!"

"Truly, Wufei, no offence taken," Treize calmly silenced the other man before turning his eyes back to the Darkchild. "You would already be dead if we wanted it, you know."

She glared back at him. "Why not just get it over with, then? I will eventually get free..."

"Okay, that's enough!" All three looked up in shock- Zechs had spoken?

The blond turned to stare at all three with his cold blue eyes. "We are not going to kill anyone, so behave yourselves like gentlemen! And as for you," he said, his eyes zeroing in on Dorothy, "Baiting any of us isn't a good idea. If you'd stop to think, you'd be surprised at what we could teach you."

Dorothy stared at him with wide eyes. "I don't need your pity or your foolish human weaknesses..."

Everyone froze, though, as they heard a loud bird's cry, and they looked up-

Duo and Heero had continued to walk, but they were now stopped, as the Dawnchild turned with a smile and held up his gloved hand.

Shadow nickered a greeting as a massive golden eagle flew down and settled on the Dawnchild's arm. The others simply stared in shock. Duo stroked the bird gently and laughed as it nipped at his hand in greeting. "Nice to see you, too, Cree."

Walker stared, but slowly recovered the ability to speak, as he listened to Dawnchild and bird holding a lively conversation of bird noises. "One day I'm going to learn not to be surprised by you, my Lord..."

Duo looked up and over at the humans as Cree moved to perch on Heero's shoulder, nipping playfully at the angel's hair. "For the last time, Walker, you can call me Duo."

The sound of approaching hoofbeats brought heads around as Trowa burst back into the clearing, pulling up with a spray of dust as he slid from his horse's back. "I was scouting ahead when I saw something diving at you..." He stopped as he looked over to Heero and saw the massive, beautiful bird on the angel's shoulder. "Oh."

It was strange to see the bird actually turning its head to look at Duo, as if chiding him for not making introductions.

The Dawnchild shook his head. "Very well. Everyone, this is Cree, a friend of mine. In order, Cree, these are Heero, Treize, Dorothy, Wufei, Lord Zechs, Otto, Walker and Trowa, our point man."

The green eyed young man felt a strange tingle in his mind as the bird looked at him with its preternaturally intelligent eyes. Earth Lord, it is a pleasure.

A smile broke over Trowa's face. For me as well, Cree.

The argument forgotten, Zechs looked over at the Dawnchild. "What did he say to you?"

Duo shrugged. "He's offered to help us scout- say hello to your new friend, Trowa."

Cree let out an indignant-sounding squawk, and Duo laughed. "Sorry- I should have known you already had." He held his arm out again, and the bird hopped onto it, as though it were a perch. He chirped to Cree, "Thanks, my friend. But be careful up there!"

Everyone stared as the golden eagle spread its wings and took off with a loud cry.


Deep within the forest, a fierce discussion was underway.

"I'm telling you all- it was him! Lord Maxwell still lives!" a short Dawnchild with an enormous, mushroom-shaped head of hair was saying.

The man to his right twirled his moustache thoughtfully. "I agree with Gerald. But what can it mean? He should have died on the battlefield..."

A taller Dawnchild, heavily scarred from the War shook his grizzled head. "You know what it means, Heller. You've read the prophecy, just as I have."

Gerald shook his head. "We should have known he would survive. We should have..."

A fourth stood, heavily built and hulking over the smaller forms of his companions. "Forget all that, Gerald! What we should have done then is irrelevant. What we should do now is what we need to decide!"

Heller turned to the fifth member of the small group. "What is your opinion, Simon?"

The slight Dawnchild shook his head. "He is the last surviving member of the Great Council- that gives him great power over us all..."

The scarred one, Jareth, growled, "That he obviously doesn't want, or he wouldn't have avoided his own kind for so long."

Orin heaved a sigh that shook his massive chest. "Even so, we were sworn to the Council and its members."

"Why help the humans?" Heller asked. "If they can't look after themselves..."

Simon interrupted. "Because this was our problem, not theirs. It is our responsibility, as Shinigami is probably well aware."

Gerald looked over at the slight Dawnchild. "So you'll agree to help, then? Can we all agree on this?"

They shared a long look before they exchanged nods of agreement.


A knock at her door brought Hilde's head up from the book she was reading, and she stood carefully and arranged her features before opening the door. A page stood there, and she smiled at the boy and asked, "Yes?"

He bowed to her. "Lady Noin asks you to join her in the main reception hall, Lady."

She followed him curiously. Why was she being summoned?

The doors opened- she could see several travellers standing before the Princess, two properly bowed, though the third stood straight and tall, wearing the ceremonial robes of a Healer. Hilde's eyes went wide as she realised what that had to mean- she was standing before a Mother Healer!

Noin spared her a small smile. "There you are! Our new guests, it would seem, are from your country. I thought you might want to hear what they had to say."

Hilde was suitably surprised by the statement, and turned automatically to bow to the Mother Healer. She noticed that while one of the Lady's companions looked up at her, the other did not. She addressed them directly. "What news can you give me?"

Sally answered her, "Jirol still stands for now, Lady, and your family should be in hiding, like most other people are. But I have here someone who you need to see..." She gestured, and the last of the travellers raised her face-

Hilde gasped in shock and dismay. Relena's eyes were still haunted as they swung up to meet hers, pools of blue in her thin, pale face. A long, jagged scar ran from the tip of her right eye to her chin, while her hair, which had been so gloriously long and lustrous, had been cut short around her head, much as a boy's hair would be. Hilde took a hesitant step forward. "My Lady..."

Relena stopped her with a small cry as she walked forward until they were barely separated by a foot. Dismay turned to horror as Relena collapsed to her knees in front of her former servant. The blonde averted her eyes as she whispered, "Dear God, forgive me!"

Hilde's hands were shaking, and her jaw flapped emptily for a moment as she stared down at the bowed head and its blonde curls. I can't... I don't... Damn her! She had to go and make me pity her- I just wanted to hate her in peace! Blue eyes flashed as Hilde stared. "You brought this on us, Lady! You threatened my family..."

The kneeling woman looked up, and Hilde's angry words died on her tongue at the look in Relena's large, blue eyes. "I know what I have done. I know- I was a fool, and now not only have I paid the price personally, but so many others..."

Relena bowed her head again. "I have no right to it, but I beg your forgiveness, Hilde."

Hilde laid a shaking hand on the other Lady's shoulder slowly, as though afraid to touch this apparition. Her voice sank to a whisper. "As much as I'd love to hate you... I can't. Damn me, and damn you, too, but I will no longer condemn you!"

The Mother Healer's low voice seemed to fill the room as she said, "The use of threats to force a person into servitude is the crudest and lowest form of pettiness and human darkness. Relena, you used a person's heart as a weapon against her, and for that, you must make atonement. Do you not agree, Princess?" she asked, looking up at Noin, sitting still on her brother's throne.

Noin nodded and stood, the light in the hall catching on the slim silver crown on her hair. "As repayment for your crimes, Lady Relena, you will serve Lady Hilde, as you would have forced her to serve you, and hopefully learn something for it."

Relena's eyes pooled with tears- she was once again being shown mercy that she had never wanted, and it scared her terribly.

She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she did not even look up as everyone left the hall, not until a voice called, "My Lady?"

She looked up finally- Hilde was leaning over her, her blue eyes unreadable. Relena swallowed. "Yes?"

"Did you not hear? The audience is over, and it's high time you got yourself a bath. Come on!"

Relena winced sharply, though, as she attempted to stand, falling back with a cry-

Hilde was immediately there, next to her, gently pulling her up to lean against her. Relena stared in shock at the other woman. "But... I'm your servant, now..."

Hilde shook her head. "You don't get it, do you?" She started walking, leaving Relena no choice but to walk with her. "You have a lot to learn about servants, and the first thing you should know is that servants are people, plain and simple..."


There was no moon, but the darkness suited Zechs' mood as he took his turn on the watch over a sleeping camp.

King Quatre had predicted it, and he had known far in advance, but still... Nothing could have possibly prepared him adequately for how this felt. And, he feared, nothing would ever be able to break through the ice he felt growing over his heart. Zechs' glance strayed to a heap of blankets, from under which protruded a long, still gleaming braid of hair. He understood Duo's rage all too well, now.

"My Lord?" he was jolted from his reverie by a soft voice, speaking from nearby, and he turned- Dorothy was kneeling next to him, her sharp blue eyes trained on his face. "Are you alright?"

He nodded to her, refusing to allow her presence to unnerve him. "I... Even though I knew, it still hurts terribly."

She nodded in understanding. "We were raised on stories of battles like that, and a laughing demon General, slaughtering my kind... But he doesn't seem like that, not anymore, at least."

"I can understand it completely." Zechs' low-spoken words brought her head around. He turned to stare into her face. "I know how he felt. I should hate you, Dorothy, with all my soul, I should."

She drew in a deep breath. "So why don't you, then?"

He turned away. "I don't know."

Dorothy's eyes widened, but she fell silent, sitting at his side.

After a few moments, she stood and wiped her hands on her leather pants. "Good night, My Lord. Thank you for... talking to me."

He looked up, blinking as though coming out of a deep trance, and somehow found himself giving her a slight smile. "Sleep well, Lady."



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