Author: Alana Winters

Warnings: slight angst, slight yaoi, songfic, slight OOC

Pairings: 1x2/2x1

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimers: notminenotminenotminenotmine (think that's enough so they won't sue?? Hn, they'd only get pocket lint and university loans anyway... >.< actually, they can have those, with my blessing. ^_^

C&C welcome, but flames will be doused by... well let's just say they'll be doused ^_^

*....* connotes thought
***** connotes breaks in time

[1] I do not know the physical descriptions of angels or of the hierarchy of Heaven - I do not mean to offend anyone's religion
[2] I do not know what Duo's mother's name was - I just picked one out of a list I like

Ano, well I'm working on ETN and GF, I promise! ^_^;; I was just babysitting last night and the kid wanted to watch Quest For Camelot. Well, I heard this song in it and I started thinking about a songfic. Just read it, hopefully it makes sense.

The Prayer


The two young boys darted in and out of the busy marketplace of Colony L2. Their small, lithe frames were too quick to be much of a bother to the patrons of the market, and too much of a common place occurrence to be much of a hindrance to the market owners. They were ignored, for the most part, since they didn't create too much harm and chaos. Most of the adults turned blind eyes to the painfully thin waifs that continually darted in and out of the crowded aisles.

The small blond child looked over at his companion, even as the two ran into a small alleyway. The darker haired child smiled back, his smile bright with the countenance of youth, his hair lank with layers of dirt and grime. The blond smiled back as the two children scrambed through the alleyway, clutching their precious burdens close to their small bodies, eyes wary of others who used the shadows to lurk in.

However, there was one lurker they couldn't see, no matter how hard they looked. One who was not on the mortal plane physically, but rather spiritually, linked irrevocably to the younger, and masculine version of itself.


The angel stood gracefully on the white clouds that construed the 'floor' of Heaven. The light chatter of fellow deities hung in the air, filling it with happiness and laughter. Pearly white gates stood in the distance, the celestial light granting them an etheral aura.

The angel sighed, her feathery wings drooping in sadness, their tips brushing the clouds and swirling them about. Her long, auburn hair fell fluidly down her back, the light highlights shining forth. The angel's pale, violet eyes were wide and liquid, amethyst pools of serenity, yet sadness lurked in the light depths.

The angel's eyes were not focused on the happy denizens of the bright afterlife, but rather on the sad scene unfolding before her, revealed to her through her Watcher's magic. A large, ornately decorated mirror hovered in the air in front of her, the bottom pane a mere two inches from the clouds swirling underneath it.

The silver surface of the mirror reflected back the actions of those living on the mortal plane to the watcher. Currently, the mirror was silently showing the scene on the space colony known as L2.

The angel watched, eyes nearly translucent with the sparkling tears that threatened to spill on her soft cheeks. Her hands were clasped in front of her body, the slender fingers woven tightly together, the white knuckles betraying the tension radiating through her body.

So engrossed was she in the scene before her, she didn't even notice as another celestial being sidled up to her side. At least she didn't notice until the other angel placed a gentle hand on her softly covered shoulder.

The auburn haired angel jumped in the air, a startled 'eep' on her lips. She whipped her head around to face the newcomer, her eyes wide with surprise.

A blush crept across her gentle, heart shaped face as she recognized the intruder. Flicking her gaze down to the clouds, she said shyly, "Ohayo, Peter-sama."

Gentle tapering fingers slid under her chin and smoothly tipped her face back up until her eyes locked with those of the fingers' owner. Smooth, milk chocolate eyes peered back down at her, laughter and calmness blazing forth, mingled with a serenity that was envied by even the most stalwart of angels.

A rich, husky voice advanced forward as the angel responded. "Ohayo, Elena."

The being known to all as Archangel Peter studied Elena's saddened face, his sharp eyes taking in the tears that lingering in the lavender depths of her eyes. He cocked his head to one side in question and asked, "What is it that has you looking so sad, hmmm?"

Elena flicked her eyes over to the scrying mirror even as her hand reflected the movement. "That."

Peter's eyes flicked over to the mirror, sweeping over the scene revealed in the limpid depths. Instant knowledge sprang to his mind of the exact scene being reflected in the mirror. Being an archangel really had some great side benefits.

"That's Colony L2, isn't it?"

"Aa. My son is there."

Peter turned from the auburn haired novice angel to give the vision a slightly more cursory glance. As he stared at one of the boys in the mirror, he shook his head sadly and said, "Oi, isn't it a shame? It's always extra sad when they die as children."

Elena's head whipped around to Peter's, her eyes wide with shock and surprise. "Die? What do you mean die?"

Peter answered her without turning his attention away from the mirror. "There's a plague going around on L2 right now. The Gatherers have their hands full with the souls being released there. The plague will claim many lives before it's run its course, including the blond child there."

Elena shook her head in denial, her mind processing Peter's words. Then her eyes lit up. "But it doesn't have to be! My son is on his way back to his friend's side with the antidote to the plague. It won't claim his friend's life!"

Peter slowly shook his head and said, "No, I'm afraid even the antidote won't be able to help Solo."


Elena kept shaking her head, as if the small movement could nullify Peter's words. Licking her dry lips, she whispered, "Even with the antidote? Duo's going to lose his only friend?"

Peter averted his eyes away from the mirror and looked out into the distance, his hazel orbs focusing on something unseen. "Aa. Solo's condition is too far advanced for the antidote to be effective. All it would do is prolong his life for a few agonizing moments. What makes it even worse is that the child knows his end is inevitable, yet he still sent your son off to steal the antidote."

"Why such cruelty?" Elena asked.

Peter swiftly looked at her, his eyes hard and assessing before they once again lapsed into quiet speculation. "Probably because Solo knows that the others will soon be infected with the disease and that the antidote can be used to help vaccinate them."

"But what if Duo ends up giving Solo the cure instead?"

Peter shook his head regretfully. "It's up to Duo. He has to make a choice. Prolong his friend's suffering, or allow dozens of others to continue to live."

Elena swallowed hard and then turned back to stare into the mirror's depths. "That's always a hard choice, no matter what the circumstances. And one that a child should never have to make."

Peter gently laid his hand on Elena's shoulder and nodded in agreement. "Unfortunately, in this case, the decision can only be made by a child."


As Elena watched the drama being unfolded before her eyes, she whispered to Peter. "So my son is to be abandoned once more?"

Peter gave Elena a comforting hug, his larger wings enfolding her in a soft, brotherly embrace. "You aren't to blame for leaving your child, Elena. You had no choice. No one does."

"But it seems that everyone he ever gets close to ends up leaving him behind. Is he destined to go through life alone, Peter?"

"Only HE knows, Elena. And you know we're not allowed to foresee the distant future."

Elena felt two tears slide down her cheeks as sorrow filled her heart. Peter sensed her despair and he tightened the force of his embrace. "I know that it hurts now, Elena, but be patient. Duo won't go through life all alone forever. I'm sure that HE wouldn't allow it."

"I hope so, Peter. I truly hope so."



Elena watched as her son, now named Duo Maxwell by the loving Father and Sister that had taken him in, prayed quietly during the evening rituals. Her eyes were filled with love and tenderness for the young boy kneeling peacefully at the wooden pew.

She softly touched the surface of the gently glowing mirror, her fingers aching to caress the young child. As her powers allowed her to hear his mental prayer, her heart ached to quell the young boy's fears.

A light smile grazed her face as she watched the child finish his prayers and then bounce out of the chapel, a light chestnut braid swinging behind his small body. As the mirror followed the child's progress out of the chapel, her soul soared as the young boy was captured in a gentle hug by Sister Helen.

Elena thought to herself, *Arigato, Sister Helen. You've given my son back his soul and belief. You and Father Maxwell.*

A slight tug on Elena's tunic gown pulled her attention away from the mirror and to a young angel by her side. She turned her gaze down to the smaller angel, lavender eyes meeting wide, light blue ones.

Elena smiled brightly and said, "Ohayo, Solo-chan. Daijoubu?"

"Hai, Elena-sama. Whatcha doin'?"

Elena reached out one slender arm and ruffled Solo's already wayward blond hair. "Nothing much, little one. Just watching Duo."

"Ah. But it's my turn now, okaa-sama."

Elena looked down at her 'adopted' son's earnest face and relinquished her post. With one lingering hug, she turned around and headed away from the tempting mirror. As much as she longed to watch over her son, she knew she had to let Solo share in the responsibilities.

When Solo had joined them in Heaven, she had immediately taken the young child under her proverbial and literal wing. Now she and the young novice shared the watching responsibilities of young Duo. They had been united in their common cause, her son and his best friend.

In the few short years that they had been sharing watch together, a relationship had bloomed between the two of them. Solo had seen her as a maternal figure, and she had been all too eager to accept the graciously offered role.



Elena and Solo watched in distress as the magnificent building that had been dubbed Maxwell's Church slowly burned to the ground, leaving nothing behind but smoking tenders, black ash, and one lone survivor to mourn the deaths of his family once again.

Elena felt the tears falling down her cheeks, unheeded and unchecked. She slowly shook her head back and forth as she watched the wailing boy in the cold, unfeeling glass. Her hands ached to comfort the boy, ached to hold him close to her and keep all the hurt from touching his young soul.

Knowing she could do none of those things, she clenched her right hand into a tight fist, as her left one sought out Solo's. The novice angel was yelling out the very words that echoed within Elena's heart.

"It's not fair!!! They're not playing fair with him!!!"

Elena answered him in a soft croon trying to keep the sadness out of her voice. "I know it's not fair, Solo. We can only pray and hope that HE will take care of everything and it will all turn out right in the end."

The two Watching angels held each other tightly, taking comfort in their shared sorrow and grief. So lost in their misery and woe, they almost missed the gentle cough behind them.

Two heads twisted to the side to regard the solemn looking archangel in front of them.

Elena recovered her voice first and asked, "What is it, Peter-sama?"

"There are some new arrivals that we are assigning to you, Elena. They are to share in Solo's and your responsibilities regarding the observation of Duo Maxwell."

Elena and Solo stiffened, feeling threatened by the invasion of new angels. Solo stubbornly questioned the archangel. "Why new ones? We're enough to watch over him!" Solo's little brow was furrowed into a deep, childish frown, his small face puckered up into an argumentative expression. Elena's own face mirrored Solo's, although to a lesser degree of discontentment.

Peter gave a small smile and he said, "Oh, I don't think you'll begrudge them the assignment."

Elena and Solo watched silently as Peter stepped aside to reveal the two novice angels that had been concealed behind him. Surprise wove itself on the two Watchers' faces, only to be followed by quiet resignation and acceptance.

"Very well. These two we don't mind sharing our duties with. After all, we all have a common bond."

Elena and Solo smiled at the two new angels in greeting.

Father Maxwell and Sister Helen smiled gently back.



The four Watcher angels watched as Duo progressed through time, living off the streets of Colony L2 like he had before Maxwell's Church.

They watched as he stole aboard the small craft belonging to one Dr. G.

They observed as Dr. G caught young Duo stowing away.

They were witnessed to Dr. G eventually offering to train Duo to pilot the mobile suit that he was building, Gundam Deathscythe and Duo's enthusiastic acceptance.

While none of the braided pilot's Watcher angels approved of his entering the pointless war, each also understood why Duo was doing so and the good he was attempting to do. By fighting himself, he could perhaps stop countless others from dying.

They only hoped and prayed that he would be able to live through the war without losing anything else he held dear to his heart.



The angels watching over Duo Maxwell must be playing with his mind.

At least that's what a certain braided pilot thought.

*If not my mind, then at least my heart,* he thought mournfully.

Duo sat on the window seat in the bedroom he shared with his partner, Heero Yuy. The two pilots were staying in a safe house while they strived to complete their latest assignment in the unending string of missions.

The ceaseless clacking of strong fingers on computer keys drew the braided pilot's thoughts back to the source of his consternation.


Duo chewed mindlessly on the end of his braid, turning over his recent frustrations in his mind. *Gah... face it, Maxwell. He's never gonna say the words you wished he would. To him it's just sex. Something to ease the tension with. He'll never share your feelings... no matter how much you wish he would.*

Duo looked out the window at the beautiful day. He shook his head to himself as he continued to nibble on the ends of his hair. *He's too wrapped up in the missions and being the 'perfect soldier' for Dr. Creepo. He's too buried in that damned laptop of his to even notice that I'm around and that the day's perfect outside.*

Duo rubbed his aching chest, kneading the flesh above his heart. As his fingers rubbed over the black cloth of his shirt, they also rubbed over the small hidden lump under his clothing. Duo dipped his hand into the neckline of his shirt, bringing forth a small silver chain and cross.

He stared at the symbol in the palm of his hand, the sunlight winking over the cool metal. As he contemplated the silver, he thought back to the last time he had prayed.

He couldn't remember, it had been too long ago.

He glanced out the window again and was a bit startled to see a snow white dove sitting in the tree right outside the window. *A dove? I thought they became extinct years ago from too much pollution and war...*

Duo thought for a moment before some deep hidden words welled up in his memory. Something about doves being the symbolic birds of God or angels or something. He could remember some gently smiling woman telling him that doves were the birds that carried prayers up to God.

He shrugged his shoulders and sighed. *Oh well, it couldn't hurt, could it?*

Slightly aware of the continuous typing in the background, he closed his eyes and started to send an earnest prayer. His silver cross was clutched tightly in his closed hand, held up to his lips.

A few minutes later he opened his eyes and looked back out the window at the tree.

The dove was gone.

Maybe it had just been a figment of his imagination.

Content with that explanation, he turned away from the window back to the figure typing away on the computer. With a grimace and a sigh of resignation, he got up from the window to attempt to engage his taciturn lover in some normal, human activities.

After all, if he didn't keep trying, he would be admitting defeat. And this was one battle he sorely didn't want to fail.



Duo smiled softly in the moonlight, his lithe body curled up and around the still form of his lover. His chestnut hair was loose and spilled over the intertwined bodies of the two young soldiers, a silken sheet.

Duo's face was nestled in the graceful crook of Heero's neck, his lips hovering right over the strong pulse of the Japanese boy's heart. One of Heero's hands was securely gripping a lock of Duo's free hair, while the other arm was tightly wound against the other, hand gently resting against the small of his back, keeping the braided pilot close.

Duo was half lying on Heero, his own arms wrapped securely around the darker boy's waist. Their legs were intertwined, bare skin rubbing against bare skin.

A sheet was draped over the lower halves of their bodies, their mingling body heat being more than enough to keep their top halves comfortable. Their previous activites had left both boys sated and content, their spirits quietly joyous.

As Duo lay there listening to the reassuring heartbeat of his lover, he offered a sleepy prayer to the powers that be.

*Thank you so much. You've given me all I could ever hope for.*

After months and months of prying Heero's emotions out, of tearing down the steel walls the stoic pilot had erected, the Japanese man had finally admitted to Duo his feelings regarding their relationship. Duo had learned much about his private lover, learned that the quiet pilot had depths to himself that no one had ever seen.

And that made them more infinitely precious to Duo, the knowledge that he was the only one that Heero trusted enough to reveal his hidden sides to.

The only one that Heero loved.

Duo had taken that knowledge, wrapped it protectively in gundamium, and stored it away in his heart. Nothing, and nobody, could ever take those secret revelations away from him.

Duo yawned once, his grip tightening imperceptively around Heero's slim waist. He settled his head securely in Heero's neck, sweeping a light kiss over the salty skin, and closed his eyes. As he felt sleep drifting over his mind, stealing away his consciousness, he offered one last thought to whatever guardian angels were watching over him.

*Please don't take him from me. Let me keep this one.*

As he fell into the void of dreamland, he failed to notice the flash of white that streaked across the bedroom window. The white dove fluttered through the skies of Earth, heading for its home, carrying its precious request.


Elena watched the mirror with growing rage. Her anger was spreading quickly, the fire of madness was quickly blazing out of control. She was dimly aware of the shared outrage from her three timeless companions.

*Not again!! I will not let it happen a fourth time!!*

The mirror that had been her link to the mortal plane for the past quarter of a decade or so was now showing her a different, but vaguely familiar scenario. She couldn't believe that HE was allowing this to happen again to her son.

Quickly turning her back to the mirror, she faced her companions with steel in her lavender eyes. Seeing their similar looks of fury, she bit out with, "I have watched this happen too many times for it to happen again. Duo deserved to finally find lasting peace with someone. I will not allow it to be taken away from his again.*

Nods of agreement sprung up from the other three Watcher angels, their faces schooled into determined expressions. As one unit, the four turned away from the mirror and left the viewing area. They headed across Heaven, towards the office of Archangel Gabriel, the head of the Fates.

However, on the way to his office, they were waylaid by Archangel Peter. Pasting a cheerful smile on his face, the older angel asked, "Oi, what seems to be the matter, Elena?"

"Out of my way," the brunette bit out. "I'm going to see Archangel Gabriel if it's the last thing I do."

Peter winced at her statement and quipped, "Not the best choice of words there, Elena."

Elena threw her hands up in exasperation and she shouted, "I don't care! I will not allow this to happen to my son again! He's suffered enough!"

Peter crossed his arms against his chest and said, "I'm sorry, Elena, but you know as a Watcher angel you cannot interfere in the affairs of mortals. All you can do is observe. You are not capable of being Guardian angels yet."

"Don't you think I know that?! There must be someone here that I can convince to take the initiative and help us! I will not allow Duo to suffer again!"

Peter lifted one eyebrow and said, "Suffer what?"

Sister Helen gently placed a restraining hand on Elena's arm before answering the senior angel. "It's Duo's lover, Heero Yuy. The current mission the two are on has failed and Heero is dying somewhere. Duo is searching for him, but he has no idea where he is in the labyrinth of the base they infiltrated."

Peter looked startled at that. "Heero Yuy is dying? He's not supposed to die for a long time..." Peter dropped his head and looked at the ground for a few moments. Then finally he lifted his gaze and stared at the four Guardian angels in front of him.

"Take me to your mirror."


Peter watched with an impassive face as young Duo Maxwell searched around the OZ base frantically, blood and wounds covering the young pilot, most of the gore from others who had fallen before him. Although the archangel had been witness to countless cases of human suffering, the torment and utter anguish etched on Duo's face completely tore at his heart.

Elena had started to cry, her tears mirroring her son's. Father Maxwell and Sister Helen were also crying, their faces averted away from the scene. However, young Solo was tugging on Peter's great robes.

Peter tore his gaze from the mirror to look down at the smaller blond angel. Solo stared back up at him, a pleading look on his childish face. "Please sir, help my friend. I don't want him to be sad anymore."

Peter dragged in one massive breath, before turning back to the scene at hand. He dragged one hand through his hair, before turning once again to face the Watchers.

"You know as an archangel I cannot interfere in any one mortal's life."

Peter held up one hand as Elena made to argue. "AND," he continued forcefully, quelling her into silence with a glare. "You, as Watchers, cannot physically interfere in the affairs of mortals... but there is a way to help young Duo."

"What is it?" Elena and the others pounced on this unexpected opening.

"You can send a familiar to guide Duo to where Heero is. As long as you do not contact him through his mind or by voice, a familiar will work. The trick will be to get Duo to follow the familiar."

The four Watchers stood looking at each other, wondering what familiar they could possibly use that would compell Duo to follow it. The answer came to them in a flash of comprehension.

They spoke as one, "The dove."


Duo sobbed in his frustration as turn after turn in the maze of the OZ base ended up bearing no fruit. Heero was somewhere in the depths of this base, somewhere dying. He knew it. Some deep warning in his heart and soul was screaming the hints at him.

Duo continued running down the hallways, blindly taking turns that brought him deeper into the base. The map in his hand was torn and bloody, but still serviceable. Duo took brief glances at the map, ensuring himself that he wasn't following the corridors that would lead him back out into the open.

Suddenly the braided pilot came face to face with the end of the current corridor which branched off into two opposite directions. He glanced at the map and groaned. The end of this corridor was where the map had torn, leaving him in the dark about which direction to proceed.

Throwing the map down in disgust, Duo looked at both tunnels and bit his lip. Hoisting his gun on his hip, he decided that the best route would be to follow the right tunnel since he had been turning right all this time.

Just as he was about to proceed down the tunnel, Duo heard a soft cooing.

Turning back with infinite surprise, he looked down the tunnel he hadn't chosen and spotted a white dove.

His eyebrows shot upwards in surprise, mostly from seeing a supposedly extinct bird alive, and in the midst of an underground base, nonetheless. Shaking his head, he turned back around to proceed down his chosen tunnel when the bird cooed again.

Duo turned around to carefully scrutinize the bird, his amethyst orbs narrowing in comtemplation. There was something odd about the bird, something that didn't quite strike a note with Duo's memory.

Taking a gamble, he started towards the bird, not at all surprised when it hopped a few feet away down its corridor. He stopped again, his hand automatically coming up to clutch at the silver cross hanging around his neck. Duo whispered incredulously, "I can't believe I'm saying this to an animal, but I actually think that you want me to follow you!"

The dove cooed.

Duo blinked.

The dove hopped a few feet away and cooed again.

Duo closed his eyes as his thoughts twisted back and forth between his choices. He bit his lip harder, drawing blood as he agonized.

As the cool metal of his cross cut into the flesh of his hand, he came to a decision. Shaking his head in disbelief, he started to follow the bird, drawing upon faith he had long believed dead.

*I don't know who's more foolish. This dang bird or myself for following it.*



Elena smiled at the other Watcher angels as they sat together, basking in their comradeship. Over the years they bonded closely until the four of them formed a family group. She beamed, her happiness complete.

She glanced over at the mirror and her smile dimmed a small degree. Well, almost complete. But that wouldn't come around for another seventy or eighty years at the least. And after that time, perhaps she could finally welcome home the last two members of her family.

"We did well, didn't we, okaa-sama?"

Elena turned her attention to Solo and nodded her head. "Hai. We did."

Sister Helen and Father Maxwell nodded their heads in agreement, although Sister Helen added, "And Duo did the best. He kept his faith through it all. Now he will be able to enjoy the newfound peace with his beloved."

"Hai. I'm so proud of him."

Father Maxwell snorted for a moment and said, "Well, I'm just glad that pilot finally made an honest man out of Duo."

The other three Watchers giggled at Father Maxwell's slightly disgruntled expression before it melted into wry humor.

Sister Helen looked at her three fellow Watchers and said, "Well, those two aren't going anywhere anytime soon, why don't we go and have a little fun while we can?"

Three nods of assent greeted her and the four friends left the viewing area. Just before she disappeared, Elena turned back for one last look at the mirror and the tranquil scene.

Esconsced on the large, wide bed were two young men, their limbs twisted and mingling together in a heap of flesh. One of the men was dark haired, his frame slender but muscular. The other had long, silken hair, streaking out in shimmering waves that covered both men and the bed. Twin bands of gold sparkled in the moonlight, shimmering in the night.

Duo stirred quietly, snuggling closer to his strong lover, burrowing deeper into the steel embrace. Breathing in the familiar musky scent of Heero, Duo's body quieted, falling back into sleep. As he slipped into the realm of dreams, content and safe in the strong hold of his lover, he whispered one last prayer up to heaven, a thanks for what he had been given.

*Thank you for keeping him safe, for not taking him away.*

Having slipped back into sleep, secured in the knowledge that all in his world was right, Duo didn't hear the whispered reply from his violet eyed guardian in Heaven.

"Ninmu kanryou."


song: "The Prayer" - from Quest For Camelot by Warner Bros. + sung by Celine Dion (slightly altered)


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