Author: Alana Winters
Warnings: Angst, AU, dark material, OOC, strong language, supernatural, violence, yaoi and yuri material (may also contain sexually graphic details)
Disclaimers: Gundam Wing has never, does not, and never will belong to me. This story is strictly for entertainment purposes only and is not being used for profit or monetary gain - in other words, I'm simply amusing myself and this story should be taken as such. Original story idea and such accredited to Amanda Ashley.
Pairings: main pairings: 2+1 evolving into 2x1, 4x3, 5xM, 6x9 (fic will also contain 2+4, 3+1, Hx2, D+R and a few other surprises in slight quantities) - however, let the reader be forewarned, this is mainly a Duo & Heero centric fic
Author's notes: This is a VAMPIRE fic... yes, you are reading that correctly. A vampire fic, meaning I have blood-sucking characters, of whom most just happen to be super kawaii bishounen. Since this is a vampire fic, expect liberal writings about blood and stuff like that. Also, I actually happen to have a healthy respect for the women in the Gundam Wing anime, so please do not take the portrayal of Hilde's and Relena's characters to be my personal opinion, they are simply characters in a story that I hope you enjoy. One last note, this fic will switch time periods back and forth, so pay close attention to the dates as they change - this fic is also based upon the assumption that the AC years begin shortly after 2000 - dunno why, it just is...
*...* denotes thought
Embrace the Night Prologue
Sank Kingdom AC 195
The single headstone stood on a small rise, the luminous white marble glowing like a beacon in the gathering darkness. A thick gray mist rose up from the ground to meet the lowering clouds, creating a nearly impenetrable cover of darkness. However, he needed no light to find his way to the private grave site, its location firmly etched on his mind. Nor did he need the faint illumination of moonlight to read the inscription on the stone.
AC 65 - AC 140
Beloved Husband
Gone From This World
Yet He Abides Forever
In My Heart
Heero. They had shared more than fifty years together. Had there been fifty more, a thousand more, it would never have been enough. His lover had filled the emptiness in his life, brightened the darkness that dwelled in the abyss of his accursed soul.
He groaned softly, experiencing the deep wrenching pain of his mate's death anew.
"Why, Heero?"
The question, torn from the depths of his tattered heart and soul, echoed in the evening's stillness.
*Why, why, why...*
He cursed himself for letting him go, and yet, loving him as he did, he'd had no other choice.
"Heero, beloved, please come back to me."
The pain of their separation pierced him anew, as sharp as it had been the night Heero had died in his arms.
His hand caressed the cold, dead marble headstone, then came to rest on the slightly damp earth that covered his beloved's earthly remains. But the man he had loved more than his own life was gone. His soul, his cherished essence, had departed the mortal plane, bound for that heaven that was forever denied him.
The other half of his heart... of his soul...
His solace in a dark and lonely world...
The reason for his laughter...
*Heero, Heero, why did you leave me? Was my existence so repugnant you could not share it?*
He groaned, deep in his throat, knowing he was being unfair. From the beginning, Heero had accepted him for the creature that he was. Loved him with every fiber of his being, with every beat of his mortal heart. Whatever anguish he was suffering now was not because of Heero's decision, but because of who, and what, he was.
Of what he had become.
He sank to the ground, uncaring that the moisture of the earth seeped into his black pants. His long braid trailed down his back onto the ground, but he didn't care that the fine, chestnut strands dragged in the grass or dirt.
Pressing his cheek to the damp grass, he closed his violet eyes, remembering how it all began...
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