Asbestos Gelos Part 8

Duo trudged wearily through the forest. It had been a day since his miraculous awakening, and he had been walking non-stop since.

"This would be so much easier if I had a horse or something."

~Would I suffice?~

Stunned by the offer, Duo looked to the deer nearly concealed in a nearby bush. ~Hello! I thank you for the offer, but I don't want to put you out... my journey is going to be a long one.~

The deer stepped out into the path. ~Then I insist. I owe you a great debt, and it must be repaid.~ With that last word the young buck tapped his foreleg on the ground, drawing Duo's attention.

~It was you I released from the trap?~ Duo knelt and touched the once wounded leg wondrously. It had healed perfectly, leaving only a scar as a reminder.

Poking his nose at Duo's cheek in an affectionate manner the deer replied, ~Yes. Because of you I was able to get away... And now I want to help you with whatever you are doing.~

Grinning widely, Duo bowed to the buck. ~I thank you.~ He carefully climbed onto the deer's strong back and pointed to the mountain visible in the distance. ~That is where we are going.~

Tossing his head a bit, the deer pawed the ground. ~Hold on.~


"Not you too Quatre!" Heero sighed loudly as he continued to brush Wing's already immaculate coat. It wasn't enough that his advisors wanted him to betray Duo, but now his friends?

Quatre carefully reached out and stilled Heero's brushing hand. "Heero... I know that you loved Duo. And I don't want you to forget him! But you are not happy. We all can see how lonely you are." Facing the king he used his most imploring expression. "Find someone... a man, a woman... someone to be happy with!" Taking a deep breath, Quatre made a leap. "Don't you think that Duo would want you to be happy?"

"Quatre, I've never cared for anyone the way I care for Duo. I know in my heart that there is no one out there for me but him. I know that you are trying to be a good friend, but this has got to stop."

Frowning, almost giving up, Quatre tried one more time. "Then, if you will not find a love, find a friend. There doesn't have to be some sort of passionate romance... just someone to talk to. The Lady Relena would be an excellent choice... she is kind, well read, and a good person."

Closing his eyes, Heero sighed. "The Lady is kind. And I do agree that she would make a worthy companion... but I do not know her enough to trust her with my confidences like I did with Duo."

Feeling a spark of hope within him Quatre smiled. "Get to know her then! At least give her a chance... and if it doesn't work out... you'll have tried."

"Fine. I'll give the Lady a chance... if only to get some peace." Heero grinned and embraced Quatre. "Lets go inside."

From a room within the castle, far from human ears, a sinister voice laughed and laughed.


With wobbly legs Duo took his first steps in over two hours. The experience had been the first time he'd ever ridden an animal, and he was not certain he ever wanted to repeat the experience.

~How long will you remain here?~ The stag's soft brown eyes blinked inquisitively.

~A month... errrr moon cycle, I think.~ Duo patted the strong brown neck of the stag and again thanked him for the help. ~Thank you my friend.~

The stag took a few steps away. ~Then I shall return here in a cycle. Then our debt is filled.~ He turned and bounded into the forest.

Sighing nervously, Duo began his trek up the mountain side, and wondered just when he would find this mysterious glade...

"Pssst... Turn around human!"

Whirling around at the whispered instructions, Duo turned to find no one. "Hello!" He turned in a full circle again, but no one stepped forward.

"Go back! You are not welcome." The whispered voice rang in his ears, but Duo could not see who was speaking.

Concentrating on listening to the sounds of the forest, Duo was able to hear hushed giggling in the bushes nearby. Without looking like he was paying attention, Duo suddenly reached out and grasped a handful of cloth and pulled a slight figure out onto the path.

"Who are you?" Duo stared down at the slim female. Her short blue black hair and dark blue eyes seemed normal enough, but her pointed ears betrayed her true self- she was fae as well.

The fae girl stared defiantly at him for only a second before her eyes grew wide and she prostrated before him. "Sire! I did not know it was you...!"

Taken aback by this sudden change, Duo stared for a moment. "What? Get up!"

She slowly sat up and stared at him with a look of awe on her face. "We thought you were gone forever!"

"What are you talking about?"

The faery girl grinned and took his arm. "Come! You have to come to the glen!"

And that was how Duo was carefully, but very forcefully pulled into the Glen that housed his clan.


"Sire... I can't explain it! Almost every one of your holdings are rising up against you! Even the ones that have always been the most loyal!" Heero's vassal looked thoroughly exasperated and near panic.

Heero sat back and massaged his temples. This was the way the past week had been, and not he nor his men could account for why the world seemed bent on destruction.

"Heero, would you like some wine?" Relena offered a goblet of red wine, the only thing that seemed to comfort him anymore.

"Hn." He took it and sipped the liquid, letting it dull the pain and worry he felt. Enough wine helped the night go by without the bad dreams... and even more of it kept away the good dreams. He sought oblivion in this golden cup, and it seemed that it would provide.

"His highness is too tired to deal with this now. Return tomorrow and I shall see that you get an audience with him." Relena waved the vassal and everyone else away.

"Sire?" The questioning tone broke through Heero's haze long enough for him to gesture a dismissing hand and agree with the Lady's words. He was tired. And agreeing was just easier. Easier than talking, easier than remembering, easier than thinking.


With a seemingly innocent smile Lady Relena brought the King's night cup to him. A golden goblet of his preferred wine.... Spiced with a few choice herbs, the mixture was working wonderfully.

At first she had been irritated to find her powers would not work against him directly, but subtlety had its advantages as well. While she poisoned his body, she poisoned his mind. And since it was such a slow insidious process his friends would not notice. They might remark that he was drinking more- but that could easily be explained by the pressures he was feeling from the uprisings.

Yes. The King and his Kingdom were falling neatly into her hands.


Duo was extremely conscious of the multitude of people that were staring at him at the moment. Apparently the entire glen had heard of his arrival, and decided to come and witness it.

The girl practically pulled him to the center of town, where a young man sat on a throne made out of a living tree. The man smiled and stepped down and walked over to where Duo stood. After a moment of silence he threw his arms around him and embraced him tightly. "It is good to see you, cousin."

"Cousin?" Duo carefully returned the hug- unsure of what else to do.

"Your father was my mother's brother... I am your cousin Solo." He pulled back and Duo finally got a good look at the man. His face was open and honest. His long blonde hair was pulled away from his face, and his blue eyes nearly rivaled Heero's in their beauty. Duo liked him already. "Ummm... actually, since your father was the first born, and you are his son, you are really the rightful heir to the throne..." He grinned.

"Uhhh yeah, about that..." Duo scratched his head. "I'm not really sure I'm qualified to be ruling anything, especially not right now. And I'm afraid I need to ask two favors of you already."

Solo seemed surprised. "Not rule...? Favors?" He shook it off rather quickly. "Name it."

Duo smiled. "First, I'll need you to run things around here. Looks like you're doing a great job anyway."

Obviously proud, Solo nodded. "And the second?"

"I need to learn to use the Deathscythe."



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