Author: A-chan

Pairings: 1x2x1

Warnings: Nothing that I can think of except a possible lemon

Disclaimer: A-chan does not own the Gcharacters, the Gundams, or any sanity

Note: Well Shi-chan, Misu, Skye, here it is. *thwaps* Now more fic--from all of you.

Summery: Years after the Mariemeia incident, old friends are reunited. Though not under light circumstances, as a reborn OZ plans to rebuild new lethal mobile suits from the remnants of the Gundams.

Under a Blood-Red Sky Part 1
I.: Return~

Duo Maxwell was a lot of things. He was a twenty-five year-old model, journalist, mechanic, pilot. But he was not one to mask his shocked joy upon seeing his ex-best friend for the first time in nine years. Such a case now stood in an old tank-top and faded jeans on the doorstep of his apartment.

Heero Yuy, present and accounted for.

Duo nearly fainted.


It was an awkward situation to be standing in front of your stunned, bed-ragged ex-best friend after such a long time. In truth, Heero was scared. Scared to death actually. It was ridiculous, he knew. Duo barely came up to his jawline after their prolonged separation. But...

"Hi," he murmured, unsure of what else to say to the gaping man before him.

Duo shook his head abruptly as if trying to clear it, and smiled brightly, running a sheepish hand through his hair but ended up getting it tangled in the mussed locks. "Hi! What a surprise! I never thought I'd see you again! The others thought you were dead, but I knew better. Say, what brings you to L2 anyway? Come on in, you must be beat. I'll go make tea." And without allowing Heero to reply, he skipped off and disappeared down the hallway.

Despite being unable to get a word in edgewise, the Japanese found himself staring fondly after Duo's retreating back. //He hasn't changed, not a bit. And his smile still shines as brilliantly as ever...//

There was a series of lyrical 'damn's in five different languages plus two he didn't recognize, and sighing, Heero sauntered off to what he supposed was the kitchen.

He found Duo on his tippy-toes try to get hold of something on the top shelf of the cabinet. Without giving a warning, he reached around his friend's groping fingers and pulled down a pouch of green tea.

Heero waved it in front of the American. "Is this what you were trying to get?"

Duo nodded once and took the bag, tearing the seal. After placing a pinch of the leaves in each of the two cups, he plugged in the water kettle and leaned against the table.

"I don't usually drink tea; Coffee's more my thing. But I figured you'd prefer it."

Heero shrugged. "Either's OK for me. I usually have coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon." He looked up and noticed the dark circles under the bright violet eyes for the first time. Oh, that explained why Duo was sleeping at 2 P.M.

"So, how've you been?" the braided man asked casually.

Heero leaned against the table like his ex-partner. "Fine. You?"

"Fine as well." Duo opened his mouth to say more but the whistling of the kettle stopped him. Unplugging it, he poured the water in both cups and handed Heero one.

Once more he was about to say something but this time, the phone rang and with a mumbled apology, he flew out of the kitchen into the living room.

"So they *are* gonna do it afterall...Well I don't know... How did you know he was here? *sigh* Am I the only one who's clueless around here? Nevermind, don't answer that. ... Guess you're right, we don't have a choice."

There was a few minutes of one-sided conversation. Then a giggling Duo hung up the phone.

"That was Quatre," he told Heero.

"I just talked to him a few days ago."

Duo grumbled, "So he tells me."

Heero shrugged.

Once more a tense silence hung in the atmosphere. Then, Duo blurted out, "How long are you gonna stay here? I mean, I don't want you to go, but I figured you have things to go return to. Like a family...with Relena...?"

The purple eyes were searching, curious, and there was something in their depth that Heero couldn't decipher.

He shook his head. "I'm not married," he said simply.

Duo gave a rueful grin that had Heero not known better, would've described as 'relieved'. "That's shocking. With your conversation and people skills, you should have two wives with five more girlfriends!" he teased.

Heero firmly clamped down the urge to either strangle the playful pilot or to tell him the truth. So he settled for the safest and most pain-free way: "Hn."

His friend made a face. "See what I mean? Geez, you haven't changed."

"What about you? Where's that girl--Hilde was it?"

The mischievous air suddenly disappeared around Duo. "Somewhere I guess," he said quietly, too quietly.

Heero stiffened. "What happened? Were you two together?" His mind screamed denial and his heart skipped several beats.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that... I loved her as a dear sibling, but there was--is-- someone else. Someone from the war that I couldn't forget," Duo replied.



*sighs* Well, here's the first chapter. I like it better than the original version, but tell me what you think! Especially you, Shi-chan...*point to scratch marks* Feel free so say "This really sucks; The old version is better", "The old version sucked; This is better", or "They both suck".

The plot didn't/doesn't really change, so Hero (no, that's not a typo) WILL still be there.


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