High School Prom Whore Part 17
Duo walked forward with Heero and the others right behind. The large ballroom glinted was a mixture of gold and silver and sprinkling blues. From the ceiling large flash lights hung and flashed over the couples that danced on the main floor. To one side of the hall laid the food and drinks table, light snacks covered the tables with glasses on non-alcoholic punch, well is was non-alcoholic punch at the moment but no doubt by the end of the night it would be alcohol as the studs of the school came along and ended their own collection of drinks to add. The main stage at the far end of the hall was covered is glittering materials of gold and silver and it seemed that the ballroom was made up completely of the gorgeous colours.
Duo stopped and looked round at Heero who, like the others, where staring round at the hall with wide eyes. Duo smiled at his koi who smiled back and took Duo's hand which he held out for Heero to take. Heero nodded at Duo before taking his hand and he let Duo pull him gently to a nearby table set apart from the rest.
Sally and Wufei smiled at each other and Sally pulled Wufei straight onto the dance floor. Quatre and Trowa followed Duo and Heero to the table and stayed long enough to put their jackets on chairs before whizzing off to the dance floor. Hilde nodded at Duo before disappearing to find a single man free for grabbing.
"Hay guys!" Sarah came forward from the dance floor looking a little red in the face. "Didn't know when you would be showing up! Relena has been after you Duo."
"Don't know." Sarah shrugged. "Well have a nice evening. Better go my date is calling!"
Duo couldn't help but laugh as Sarah ran off, her short blond hair twirled in the air as she did.
"Wanna dance?" Duo asked Heero.
"Duo Maxwell I need a word!" Duo looked up to see Relena standing over him. She wore a pretty dress of pink silk, with slits down the sides.
"Yes Relena." Duo asked pleasantly.
"In private." She snapped.
"Can't be that important then." Duo said standing up and looking back at Heero, whose eyes were trained on Relena in narrow silts. "Care to dance?"
Heero nodded and stood up as well.
"You'll regret that Maxwell."
Relena hurried away and Duo turned to Heero.
"What's wrong with her?"
"Don't know."
Duo and Heero walked on to the dance floor, the crowd gave way to the two stars of the musical and Duo got more than one comment on how lovely he looked and more than a few requests for a dance. Duo smiled at everyone but made the point clear that he had eyes for Heero only.
The song was a slow one and Duo let Heero take the lead and he leaned heavily on Heero.
As the night drew on, Relena watched Duo like a hunter would watch his pray. Duo never left her line of sight and neither did Heero. She felt a tap on her arm and she turned to look at the smiling blond.
"Hey Relena."
"Hi Quatre."
"Having a nice time?"
"Yes I am, thank you."
"Couldn't get you to dance could I?" Quatre asked holding out his hand.
"Dancing with Hilde. Please may I have the honour?"
Relena took his hand in her gloved one.
Duo felt lips brush his forehead and he pulled back enough to look into Heero's Prussian eyes.
"Love me?" Duo asked whispering.
"Forever." Heero leaned in to kiss him.
Relena watched over Quatre's shoulder as Heero and Duo shared a kiss, she felt anger boil in her and she pushed Quatre away cruelly.
"Relena?" Quatre asked shocked.
"I'm sorry Quatre, but there is something I must do."
And Relena ran off.
"Wanna sit down?" Duo asked and Heero nodded but a voice cut them off.
"Duo Maxwell is a Whore."
Duo and Heero spun round to look at the stage; Relena stood there her hands clutching the microphone as if to steady herself.
"What?" Heero asked.
"It's true." Relena said again and everyone turned to Duo who was staring at Relena in disbelief.
"No." He breathed.
"He is also a cheat, a liar and a piece of shit that doesn't deserve to stand there..." She pointed across at Duo and Heero. "... With Heero."
A mumble went through the crowd and Duo shook his head as if he knew what Relena was about to say.
"Duo?" He heard Heero ask him. Duo hung his head, he wouldn't lie, he had never lied and he wouldn't ever lie to anyone. "Is this true?"
Slowly Heero watched as Duo nodded his head.
"That's not all is it my dearest Duo? There is more." She smirked round the room.
Trowa, Quatre, Wufei, Hilde, Catherine, Dorothy and Sally were all glaring daggers at Relena who seemed to be taking great joy in Duo's pain.
"Nothing is ever as it seems. A life long decision Heero, do you give your virginity to a whore or not? But before you decide let me give you some home truths."
"Relena." Duo growled.
"If you gave him your virginity on this very night he would never have to whore himself again. Why? Because Heero, my Love, all you are to him is a wad of cash and a quick lay."
Heero gasped and looked at Duo.
"You, Heero are nothing to him. It was a bet you see? To see if he could get you in bed. Now what do you say?"
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