High School Prom Whore Part 14

Duo smiled at Heero and Heero leaned in again to kiss Duo. Duo meet Heero's kiss with all the love he felt and let his eyes close.

That night Duo and Heero slept on the bench together, under the stars.

Later that week

Heero looked at Duo and Duo looked back.

"Good luck." Heero mouthed.

"You too." Duo then entered the stage.

Out of the whole performance the worst part for Duo was the ending, him and Heero had just gotten together and he didn't want everyone to know him and Heero were together after all both his parents and Heero's didn't know about the relationship and both sets of parents were sitting in the audience tonight. As the ending came nearer and nearer the more nervous Duo got.

"Relax!" Duo heard Heero purr in his ear. "It'll be fine."

Duo nodded and Heero slide past to open the final act.

Duo took a deep breath and waiting for his cue.

"It'll show Sandy that I'm doing this for her."

Duo pushed himself on to the stage and smiled as the audience gasped in reaction to the skintight clothes he was wearing.

"Danny." Duo purred, Heero looked up and everything went find.

The song was performed and near the end Heero lifted Duo up and brought him down slowly and they shared a sensual kiss and as the audience cheered Duo slipped up.

"I love you." The words slipped out of his mouth before he even realised that he had said them. Heero stepped back and looked deep into Duo's eyes. The whole of the audience and backstage were quiet. No one could hear what was being said for they whispered to each other and all the people knew was that this was NOT suppose to happen in Grease.

Heero stared deep at Duo, who licked his lips and waited for Heero to reply.



Heero smiled.

"I love you too." Heero pulled Duo close and they shared one hell of a long kiss and the audience went 'ahhhhhhh'.

"You coming to stay over tonight Hee-chan?" Duo asked.

"Anyone else going?"

"Yep, me, Quatre, Trowa, Wufei and hopefully you." Duo smiled at his boyfriend who laughed back.

"Sure I'll come."

"You can't. Not tonight Heero."

Heero turned round to see Relena standing there.

"Why not?"

"It's your FAMILY birthday party." Relena said making sure to look Duo in the eye when she said 'family'.

"Bugger. Sorry Duo."

"That's okay Hee-chan. Tomorrow?"

Heero nodded and reached over and squeezed Duo's hand.

"You were great tonight." Heero kissed the top of Duo's hand before walking off after Relena.

Duo smiled and whizzed round laughing.

"Duo! What is going on here? You can't fall in love with him!" Wufei warned as Duo flopped down on the bed in his room and Wufei, Quatre and Trowa raised an eyebrow at Duo's actions.

"Why not Wu?" Duo rolled over onto his front and looked Wufei is the eye and glared.

"You are supposed to be getting him into bed REMEMBER!?" Wufei snapped.

"So I get money and the man of my dreams and I can give up whoring in one shot! What is better than that?!" Duo exclaimed happily.

"Duo what if Heero finds out?"

"Only us eight know and I ain't gonna tell Heero. Are you?"

"No but Duo think about this before you go and jump into any thing." Quatre looked worryingly at his brother, as Duo closed his eyes and sighed happily.

"Prom is only two weeks away and there is still time for Zechs to tell Heero about the bet! Be careful that's all I'm saying."

"Don't worry Cat! I'll be fine."

"Oh Duo."

"Heero... Ohayo Heero... Time to get up Heero... Hay!.... Ready to do some shopping?!"

Heero blinked awake and turned away from the window and source of the noise, borrowing deep into the warmth that surrounded him.

"HEERO!" The voice shouted again.

"GO AWAY!" A female voice shouted.

"I WANT HEERO!" The male voice shouted back.

Footsteps were heard outside Heero's door and then Odin pushed open the door and came in.

"Heero?" He asked softly.

Heero opened one eye and looked up at his father.

"Your um, friend is at the door." Odin winked and pointed to the window.

Dragging himself out of bed and into some warm clothes Heero walked across the room and opened his window. To his surprise the wind that blew in was warm and gently. Heero looked down into the front garden to see Duo and Une arguing.

"I Just Want To Talk To Heero!"

"You aren't coming into this house in them clothes. Got it! Now get going."

"Duo!" Heero called. Duo looked up and waved at Heero.

"Wanna go shopping?"

"What for?"




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