Author: Shinigami195
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Angst, swearing, rape
Pairings: 2+1
Summary: Small ficlet on Duo's thoughts on his life.
Disclaimer: Don't own the characters
Notes: Duo's POV, very short, please review, not much point to this, was feeling depressed at the time when I wrote this.
Finding Peace
Life is so simple for those who are blind. They don't see what we see everyday.
I go out everyday and returned covered in bruises, blood and smelling of death.
You always know when one of us returns from a mission because the scent of Death can be smelt and tasted thickly in the air.
Sex is my undoing, at the tender age of 8, I let a man fuck me until I bleed, that's why Heero is always on bottom.
I never was innocent.
I never had a chance to be.
That's why Heero and me are perfect for each other, he was never innocent, his life has been nothing part from war and death.
All our lives are full of Death, even sweet young Quatre.
You can't love in a war, loving and caring is pointless in a world where everyday the blood of innocents is spilled.
I can't love...
People I love die.
Heero can't love neither...
He was never taught how.
But together we have a chance, of making things good... if only for a little while.
In our room, in our bed, away from what we believe to be a normal life, we can share a bond deeper than friendship or love. We can share the act of love and feel another body, against, next to, joined with our own.
We can forget about war, blood and death.
We can pretend to love...
We can pretend to be innocent, clean and untainted.
We understand each other and in a way.
I love him for that.
But Heero doesn't want love, neither do I.
We don't deserve it and we know it.
But in each other we have found a strange sort of peace.
*Walks away quietly* ~Shinigami195~
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