Claiming Duo Maxwell Part 3

Heero and Relena headed up the long drive home, it had been an afternoon of fun. Duo and Quatre had dragged everyone to the nearest park and the rest of the day was spent throwing snowballs at each other and making out passionately. Of course Heero was holding to his promise and wasn't going to take Duo or let himself be taking before Christmas Day. He wanted things to be perfect, for what he had planned. On the way home, he had popped into the Winner's estate and asked Mrs. Winner if he could stay over Christmas. She told him, he was more than welcome under one condition! Don't tell the rest of the family him and Duo were an item! Heero had promised he wouldn't and Mrs. Winner had smiled at him and hugged him before throwing him out. Unable to do much else after night had set in Duo gave Heero a good night kiss before racing inside as it started to snow again.

"What did the Winner's say Heero?"

"They said I can stay." Heero smiled at Une over the dinner table.

"Duo was hyperactive when he found out." Relena smirked.

"Leave him alone Relena." Heero snapped.

"Bless him! We're coming round on Boxing Day any way."


Relena nodded. "Yep! Christmas Day is for family and Boxing Day is for friends."

Heero smiled and began to eat again.

*   *   *

Duo ran towards the theatre! He was late, again. He skidded into the theatre covered from head to toe in snow and was frozen. His cousin Jackal was ill in bed and Duo had been hunting for a new Aladdin.

"Got one?"

"I think!"

True to his word Duo had been up most of the night trying to think of anyone he knew who could be Aladdin and then it had hit him! But the stupid man had his mobile off.

"If I have, he'll be here!"

Duo had sent him a text message.

*   *   *

Heero, Quatre and Wufei were sitting round a table in Star Bucks. A warm cup of coffee was in between Heero's hands and Dorothy was rushing around the place trying to serve everyone at once.

Heero's mobile then went off.

"Love message from Duo?"

Heero shook his head and read it out loud. "Heero, if you are with Wu tell him to get his ass down to the theatre NOW! Love you Duo."

"Who the hell does he think HE is!!!!!! I AM NOT HIS SLAVE!!!!"

10 minutes later he was on his way to the theatre.

Dorothy walked over and slumped down in the spare chair.

"Hard day?" Quatre asked.

"I'm exhausted!" She groaned.

"Cheer up!" Quatre beamed at her and she pushed herself away from the table as some one from across the room called her over.

"With this going on? Don't think so Quatre!" She walked away cleaning her hands on her skirt!

"What you wanna do Heero?"

"I need to visit the library. Coming?"


*   *   *

"What is the meaning of this?"

Everyone in the front of the theatre looked round as someone stormed in. Duo looked up from the props and smiled at Wufei who was glaring at him.

"You came!"

"Yes I fucking well came! I'm not your slave Maxwell!!!! Now what do you want?"

"You to play Aladdin?"


"It's just Jackal is ill and Mum is sending him home and you would be Perrrrrfect for the part of Aladdin! Please Wu?" Duo did his chibi puppy eyes at Wufei who stood up against them.

"Me? Act in a pantomime?"



"YEAH! Nice one Wu!" Duo jumped up and hugged him.

"Why not Heero?"

"He's Japanese! Why would Aladdin be from Japan?"

"Why is Jasmine American?"

"Um... You need a script and the costume will need to be changed! Come on we haven't got all day!"

*   *   *

Heero disappeared home so he could pick up his coursework before meeting Quatre again at the library. The normal dingy place was lit with golden Christmas lights and Heero sat down to work as Quatre wondered around the shelves looking at the different books. He picked one and sat down next to Heero.

"Haven't been in here for ages. The last time I came in here was with Duo."

"I learnt a long time to never bring Duo to the library."

Heero sighed at the memory. He had been new in town and he had ran into Duo. Duo had then taken the book and sat down at a study table. With no chance of getting his book back without following him, Heero had joined him at the table and they had met an unpleasant woman by the name of Kylie. She had given Duo a lot of money that day and at the time Heero didn't have a clue why but then later that year he had found out the true nature of Duo's job. Duo admitted to everything and he had told Heero most of the story, missing out the parts about Treize. During the summer break a year ago Kylie had walked up to Duo while he was out shopping with Heero and had asked about a 'quickie' in the nearest alleyway. Before Duo could reply Heero had hit Kylie round the face, called her a slut and dragged Duo off. Duo and Heero had then shared their first argument. Duo didn't want Heero to protect him all the time. Heero had walked out. A few minutes later Heero had walked back in promising never to do something like that again. And then added that it should of been Duo that walked out course it was Heero's house!

Heero laid his head on the desk. He hated the very thought of Duo being with someone else. Heero was the one Duo wanted to spend the rest of his life with and Heero knew that. He loved Duo with all his heart and had over the years of knowing the gang, formally known as the Gundams, learnt the true meaning of friendship and love. He had learnt that just after he had been.... used.... by Treize. He had been found by Duo who had carried him home, and then stayed by Heero's side until Heero woke and still stayed after that. Then a phone call had come through about the other members of Gundam going after Treize and Duo had raced down there, with Heero on his heels who refused to be kept behind. Everyone was there, Sally, Dorothy, Catherine, Hilde, Relena, Wufei, Quatre, Trowa and then Duo and Heero. All ten protected each other. Duo had been shot that day by Treize. He still had the scar to prove it.

But that doesn't matter cause Treize was gone, Duo wasn't a whore any more and Heero's life was now perfect!

"Stop day dreaming!" Quatre hit him lightly on the arm.


"It's closing time. Come on, let's head home."

*   *   *

Wufei headed to the changing rooms to change out of his costumer. Rehearsal had come to the end and Wufei was changing. After wards he headed backstage.

Duo danced over to him and bowed.

"My Prince. What do you think?"

(1) "Really Maxwell I think you are too grown up for playing dress up."

"Leave me alone Wuffei."

"It's Wufei Maxwell! WUFEI!"

"And it's Duo not Maxwell."

Wufei was sitting backstage of the Royal Theatre watching as Duo came off stage from the dress rehearsal.

Duo pulled at the clothes he wore and tugged them off and pulled his own more comforting clothes on.


The manager came forward and passed Duo a letter.

"Came through while you were performing."

Duo nodded his thanks and slowly opened the sealed envelope.

"Love letter from Heero?" Wufei joked.

Duo pulled the paper out slowly and he read it. As he read his eyes grew wide and he dropped the piece of paper to the floor.

"Duo? You alright?"

Tears rolled down Duo's face and he pointed at the letter.

Wufei picked it up and quickly read the letter.

"My Dearest Duo,

It's been a while but I have finally come back. Things never really go as they seem do they? It doesn't matter, I'll be watching you and will visit you soon. Be ready for me my love. It has been far too long.


Wufei looked up at Duo.

"Whose Pepsin?"

"Treize's brother."

*   *   *

Heero laughed at Quatre and pushed him away.

"Get going before I hit you."

The blond teen smiled at his brother's love.

"Take care!"

"I will. See you tomorrow."

"Bye Heero."

Quatre waved at Heero before jogging off down towards home. Heero turned and walked towards his own street and the warm bed that waited him.

Heero paused and looked back.

"Quatre if you are following me I suggest that you go home right now."

"I'm not Quatre." A greasy voice called out into the night and Heero felt his body curl in horror as a figure appeared and he was pressed roughly against a wall.

"I have a message for you from my boss. Stay away from Duo Maxwell if you value your life."

Then the grip was gone and Heero was left along in the street.


1- That was the taster of the sequel put up on High School Prom, I had to change a few things as it didn't really make sense with the rest of the chapter!


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