Author: Shinigami195

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Someone comes back to claim Duo but Heero stands in their way.

Pairings: 1x2, 3x4, SxN, RxD, OCx2, 13x2. (others as well)

Warnings: Lemons, rape, angst, child abuse, swearing, yaoi, whores, pimps, blood, death, CliffHangers!

Disclaimer: Don't own characters!

Notes: Sequel to High School Prom Whore

Claiming Duo Maxwell Part 1

Duo took one more look at himself in the mirror before he flung his bag on to his back and raced down the stairs. Like normal Duo was running late for university and Quatre was all ready and waiting in the main hall, wrapped in a blue fake fur coat, for Duo. He was ready to face the harsh wind and snow of the Beach Bay Inland Christmas Weather. Duo pulled his own black fake fur (I don't believe in killing animals for fur!) as he turned to Quatre with a sweet innocent face and asked, "Hey Kat! Bro? Do me a favour will you?"

"You are not skipping university, you only have three lessons today and you are going to them!" A sharp voice whipped across the hallway. Duo turned to see his step mother Mrs. Winner pulling her own pure white coat on and grabbing one of the sets of car keys from the key drawer. "If you hurry up I'll give you a lift and you won't get cold!"

The front door was pulled open and Quatre and Duo followed their mother from the house into the driveway.

About a year ago, Mrs. Winner had decided to move closer to the sea, but still wanted a big house. This one seemed bigger than the last one and there was always one or another relative staying. The large front garden stretched until it met the back garden, there wasn't a lake any more (1), well there had never been a lake before but even if it was there Duo was sure it would be frozen by now. Piles of snow lined the bank of the massive drive and the Winner family (2) stepped over to the clear white car to their far right. The Winner family had three cars. The family car with was a red ford, a land rover that belonged to Mr. Winner and the white car that Mrs. Winner took to work. As well as the black motorbike hidden away in the garage that was going to be Duo's Christmas present!

Duo slide into the front with his mum while Quatre sat in the back.

"I wasn't planning on missing Uni! Just the last lesson before lunch!"

"I said NO Duo! And if I heard that you haven't been in class there will be hell to pay!" Mrs. Winner fixed her adopted son the glare, which meant That Is Final!

"Oh But Mum!"

"Don't but mum me!" She pointed a finger at Duo and started up the car.

"Heero comes home today at 11:30 and I want to meet him off the bus!"

"You can see him after university, now no more arguing!"

The rest of the journey went in silence.

Quatre waved at a few people as they drove past and Duo laughed as Sarah (3) had to jump back to avoid getting wet, as he opened the car door to get out.

"That was mean!" Her short blond hair bobbed round her head as she glared angrily at the boy.

"Sorry Sara!" Duo grabbed her and kissed her check and then pushed her back so he could see her hair. "What did you do to it?"


Duo turned to his mother.

"I'll phone the principal up today at 11:30 to make sure that you are in class and if you aren't? Better hope that the god of yours gets you before I do! Have a nice day!" Mrs. Winner waved good-bye to her sons and drove off.

"Like the hair Sarah, it suits you!"

"Thanks Quatre. How is Trowa? Still ill?"

"Trowa hasn't ever been ill so being stuck by the flu is worst for him than anyone. His body isn't use to it!" Quatre looked worried and felt someone squeeze his hand.

"It'll be okay Quatre. Trowa is a fighter!"

Quatre nodded as the bell for first period to begin.

"Better go, only a few more hours before a month of bliss!" Sarah exclaimed happily!

"But it's still a few more hours of hell."

*   *   *

Maybe I should explain a few things! After all it's been 18 months or so since Duo and Heero's night beside the lake! Everyone is now roughly 17. It's a Friday and it will be Christmas in just over a week. Heero was coming home from his university today just as Duo's broke up! The reason why Duo was planning on leaving uni early! I'm still at school so I don't know what university is like, so that's why it doesn't really play a major part in this. Heero and Wufei disappeared to the same university about 150 (ish) miles away from Beach Bay, WestBridge University. Duo, Quatre, Relena and Sally had joined the juniors at BeachBay Uni! While Trowa, Hilde and Catherine had all taken places at CourtHouseBay University, which was about 10 miles from Beach Bay.

It's Christmas! So no one is about, there are no visitors or anything like that. The main advent was the Pantomime that was being held on the 26th of December in which our beloved Duo was playing one of the main roles, Jasmine! Dorothy? Dorothy was out working, she's a waiter at Star Bucks! So everyone is home, minus Heero and Wufei and it was looking to be the best Christmas that Duo had ever had at Beach Bay!

Well I've gone on long enough! Let's get back to the fic!

*   *   *

"Is Duo Maxwell here today?"

The door to the Chemistry Lab opened and the Principal walked in.

Duo and Sally, standing at the back of the lab both watched as the Principal talked to Professor G before turning to the room.


Duo glared up at the clock and glared at it, it was 11:32, only another half an hour before he was free and could go and find Heero.

"Duo there is a message from the Royal Theatre! Your rehearsal tomorrow is off and has been moved to today and is in our drama studio as the Theatre is being used to host a dog show. Please be there at 12:30 sharp! Your mother also says Hello!"

Principal J and Duo have had more than just a few run ins! And his little comment sent a blush straight to Duo's cheeks and Duo wanted to disappear as everyone in the class laughed.

"I'm here and I'm not going any where!" Duo snapped angrily.

"Good. That was all." J nodded to G before leaving the room and G glared everyone back into working.

Sally looked at Duo through her goggles. But he refused to met her eyes. She headed towards Quatre who was sitting with Sarah.

"What's up with Duo?" She asked Quatre who looked down at his brother.

"Heero arrived home about five minutes ago and he wasn't there to met him." Sally nodded.

That made everything clearer.

*   *   *

Duo pulled a face as he entered the drama studio. It was just pass 12 and most people were already there, getting everything ready for the rehearsal. Duo walked past everyone, not wanting to stop and talk to anyone about nothing. The pantomime was Aladdin and Aladdin was being played by Jackal (4) who along with the other three terrors had been sent to Beach Bay for Christmas.

It was Duo's violet eyes and long chestnut hair and brilliant acting skills that had gotten him the part of Princess Jasmine. Carefully Duo unpacked his blue silk customer and ran a hand over it. It made him smile because he knew how good he looked in it. Duo looked up and shouted over to the director.

"Ready to rehearse?"

The director gave the thumbs up and Duo disappeared to get changed.

*   *   *

Heero was asleep, the rocking motion of the bus had sent him asleep and he was leaning against a cold window.

"Wake up Heero!"

Heero felt someone hit him on the arm. He pushed them away and then another voice, this time a boy, spoke in his ear and whispered.

"If you don't wake up and get off the bus at the next stop then you won't be seeing Duo this Christmas."

That sent the Japanese boy jumping up.

Heero looked round wildly and glare at his two friends. Chris and Suzanna smiled back. Heero looked pass them to Wufei who was putting his book away and gathering his bags up.

"5 minutes to Beach Bay. Sorry to wake you." Suzanna smiled and leaned against her boyfriend Chris. "But you should have been awake!" She playfully told him off and then gasped in shock as Heero pulled her into his arms.

A few years ago Heero wouldn't of even touch a girl but he was now, holding not only a girl in his arms, but the girl whose boyfriend was barely a arm length away. All thanks to his braided Love who taught him how to love.

"Well then I better go." Heero placed his lips lightly against her cheek and then stepped back as the bus shuddered to a stop.

Heero grabbed his bags.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" Him and Wufei said exiting the bus and watched their schoolmates get taken away.

Heero shivered as a cold wind went through him.

"Damn it's cold here."

No matter what Heero could do, he couldn't warm up.

"Need a lift Heero? Wufei?"

Heero looked into a white car at Mrs. Winner.


"Glad to be back?"

"No, it's warmer inland."

Mrs. Winner laughed. "You'll get used to it Heero. Hop in."


1- Chapter 25 of High School Prom Whore will explain if you can't remember
2- Duo was adopted into the Winner family at age 7!
3- An old friend from High School Prom Whore
4- Chapter 15 in High School Prom Whore.


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