Wow I was missed... Does a happy swoon as she feasts on the wonderful chocolate covered ambrosia known as Pocky. Does anyone know where I can find the 1x2x1 list? I tried searching yahoo but it won't come up!
The Surprise Part 2
"Baka Onna! Tell me what's wrong with Yuy!"
Sally decided that while nothing Wufei ever said intimidated her having a sword shoved in your face was less then pleasant.
"Um... What makes you think there's something wrong with Heero?"
"One, He started to smile, Two, he started to listen to classical music and reading aloud Haiku to himself. Three, he turned down every mission we offered him at the Preventers stating that they were unacceptable risks and wanted to do paper work! Heero Yuy is not a paper pusher! No, he took a leave and no one's been able to find him for the past month."
Sally was slightly shocked even though she knew Heero had been serious about caring for the baby, she had never seen a more devoted parent.
"Eh... what makes you think I know any thing?"
"I happen to know before Yuy left he was visiting your office every Tuesday and Thursday. He never got sick during the war because of J's experiments and we both know that you have no interest in men..."
Sally blushed but stood firm.
"Wufei, Heero is my patient. I cannot tell you what he is being treated for without breaking the code of HONOR between a doctor and their patient. Trust me I've told him numerous times he should tell you guys what is going on. Soon enough he's going to need the support of his friends more then anything."
Wufei turned pale and sat down. 'Heero must be fatally ill.' He thought. 'But I cannot ask Sally to break her code of honor.'
"Can you at least tell me how much longer?"
Sally nodded.
"Four months."
Relena the former Queen of the world stared into her lover's eyes drowning in their beautiful sapphire depths. The moment was perfect as the sound of Heero's Beethoven CD played in the background. The rosy tip of her tongue darted out to lick the corner of her mouth in anticipation of the coming evening. A faint snort ruined the mood.
Dorothy sighed and let go of Relena's hands to look at the boy who was making retching motions. He rolled his eyes.
"As much as Relena and I enjoy having you here, don't you think it's time you told your friends about the upcoming arrival? Pretty soon Sally is going to need to give you better examinations then she provide on a house call and Duo deserves to know." Relena frowned and pinched her girlfriend.
The impromptu speech was awarded by the standard if still unnerving response. Those cobalt eyes grew impossibly large and his pouty bottom lip trembled in such a heartbrokenly kawaii expression it would put puppies, chicks and Quatre's expression to shame before Diamond like tears spilled over to his cheeks and he cried, "You guys hate me!"
Exchanging an alarmed look the lovers leapt up to console the boy who had ran in the direction of his room. No one expected the former Gundam pilots to become so desperate in their search they would seek Relena's help to find Heero. After all, no one knew about her and Heero's little secret. That she had always found Heero during the war wasn't so amazing if you knew Heero had always sent her messages to let her know he was fine and where he was going. Not even Zechs knew the fact that they all shared the same father.
All in all, maybe it was for the best that Quatre had been the one chosen because of his tact. Still, whatever he had been steeling himself for, it wasn't for the sight of a bawling Heero dressed in a green sweater that did nothing to hide the fact that his stomach was in a shape Quatre knew very well, after all, he was an uncle thirty two times over. Or that Relena and Dorothy were comforting Heero. Good thing that Quatre was chosen, poor Wufei would have never lived down fainting on Pargan.
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