Author: Little Manga Neko
Rating: PG
Pairing: 6+13, 6x5x13 in the future
Warnings: Au! Um may not be continued? I own no one!
Disclaimers: I only own the plot and my muse... I wish I owned the boys but if wishes were horses then Yaoi fan girls would watch the ride.
The Perfect Pet series Arc 3: Zechs and the Perfect Pet Teaser
Milliardo the hottest pop star on earth tried to ignore Une as he put his last shirt in the suitcase. To say she was less then pleased with his decision was an understatement. He was turning down a chance to play at the acclaimed Teeny Bop Awards just because he got a call from his boyfriend about something.
"You walk out on me and you'll never get a job in this town again!"
Zechs held back a snicker. That crazy woman actually believed he cared. Singing was just a hobby for him. Now he had more important things to do. Letting the door slam behind him he couldn't hold back a smile. Treize had called him this morning with the news that today was the day. They had already agreed to meet at the center. The fact that they had both received approved applications had been a pleasing shock then they had been told that they would share the same pet created especially for both of them.
Their scientist and his assistant Meiran had been very forth coming with them, actually sending progress information and last time there had been a picture. To say they were shocked would have been an understatement. What ever they had expected wasn't a gorgeous sloe eyed boy of ivory perfection and ebony tresses or emerald green wings. It was love at first sight.
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