Author: Little Manga Neko
Rating: PG for now... NC-17 in later part
Pairing: 1x2, 3x4, 6x5x13
Warnings: AU, lemon in later part... Um... may not be continued?
Disclaimers: I only own the plot and my muse... I wish I owned the boys but if wishes were horses then Yaoi fan girls would watch the ride.
The Perfect Pet series Arc 1: Duo and The Perfect Pet Part 1
Duo was excited. He had spent all summer working two jobs to get the money. His mom Helen was deathly allergic to all animals, so he had never been able to get a pet. But two years ago, Gundam industries had announced they had created a new type of pet. Not only was it guaranteed to be non-allergenic, but also, you had to apply just to be able to buy one! Once your application was reviewed and you received an approval, you had to send a hefty down payment. Some of the questions were odd like did he have a boyfriend or girlfriend and he also had to send in a sample of his blood for DNA testing. But Duo figured it was worth it.
He had been approved a year ago and had used his college fund to pay a down payment. Apparently, they used the time between the down payment and final payment to genetically modify the pet to care for its owner perfectly. The final payment was sent in August and he would be picking up the perfect pet today.
So far, only two other people had been the recipients of approved applications and part of the agreement was to keep this secret from the media, but he would be meeting them at the center today!
Wow I actually got some more written! And if you know where I got the line 'Live molecule' then you're just as much of a Hentai as me and yes I do want to write a 1x2 fusion with that story or maybe 2x1... Heh heh.
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